Today… Nixon, Ford, Carter Quiz


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Presentation transcript:

Today… Nixon, Ford, Carter Quiz Pick up Reagan reading and respond to the questions throughout the reading

Reagan Posters With partner, cut out each of Reagan’s faces Create one COMMEMORATIVE poster and one WANTED poster Draw 3 things Reagan is praised for and 3 things he is condemned for on each (must have color)

Prompt #4 Look at the posters commemorating and condemning Reagan’s presidency… After hearing both good and bad, which side do you agree with most and why? 3-4 sentences and be specific!

Election of 1980 Public was becoming more conservative toward domestic and foreign policies Many surprised but it was landslide victory

Economy Reagan’s first priority — “Reaganomics” (tax cuts) Top wealthiest benefitted the most Trickle down theory

Cut Government Spending Welfare, Medicare, lunch programs, etc. all cut Economy does improve

Military Build Up $1.1 trillion on defense Debt increases USSR is the “evil empire”  Star Wars (protect from nuclear attack) Debt increases

2nd term

Fight for Gay Rights 1960s and 70s - gay rights activism AIDS virus concern Many AIDS patients were either gay or drug users  campaign faced a lot of resistance Similar struggle for other activism too

Iran Contra Affair (1979-1986) Afraid of communism spreading  armed and trained the Contras Congress found out and cut off aid Arms sale $ to Iran was SECRETLY sent to Contras President claimed no knowledge

US and Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev Reform ailing Soviet system Improved relations

Perestroika – economic policy introducing more capitalistic policies, limited free trade Glasnost – politically open for more rights and freedoms for the people

Brainstorm with neighbor for Headline to summarize Reagan’s presidency headlines

Events of his Presidency Pg. 882 George H.W. Bush Events of his Presidency Pg. 882

What caused the end of the Cold War? And what symbolized the end? The Cold War Ends What caused the end of the Cold War? And what symbolized the end?

How did Bush react to Tiananmen Square?

What caused the Persian Gulf War?

DO NOT just summarize who won – characterize the election that year (incorporate major issues and winner, etc.); pg. 894 (‘92), 897 (‘96), 899 (’00) headlines

Election of 1992

Republican Revolution Congress vs. President “Contract with America” – scale back role of fed. gov’t Tax cuts Balance budget Gov’t shutdown

Somalia Involvement (‘92 – ’95)

Yugoslavia (‘95)

Election of 1996

Monica Lewinsky

Impeachment 1998: House votes to impeach 1999: Senate votes to acquit

Election of 2000 – The Candidates: 2000 and Beyond Election of 2000 – The Candidates: George W. Bush (R) Al Gore (D) Ralph Nader (G) George W. Bush beat Al Gore in one of the closest elections in U.S. history

Gore received more of the popular vote, but Bush received more of the electoral votes, winning the election

George W. Bush (R) Al Gore (D)

End to the Election Order recount Finally, only 537 votes separates Gore from Bush but then… Supreme Court orders a halt

The election had been contested due to controversial election results in Florida

“Hanging chads”

Prompt #4 List at least 5 things you know about the September 11th attacks (stories you have heard, things you have read, etc.). List things like causes, who was involved, locations, effects, etc.

Sept. 11th webquest

9/11/01 New York and Washington D.C. Al-Qaeda, led by Osama bin Laden, attacked the U.S. With the use of airliners, the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were severely damaged/destroyed

Approximately 3,000 Americans lost their lives in these attacks

The Pentagon Building

Prompt #5 Decide on the following issues and EXPLAIN your choice: Do you feel it is legal to bring in drug dogs to this school to search for drugs if the police don’t have a search warrant? Is it okay to make a store policy that all students must leave their backpacks outside the store? Or that only 3 students are allowed in the store at one time? Because terrorists are often seen as coming from the Middle East, should Arab-looking people be checked more closely at airports: luggage searches, search the person, etc.?

Effects from 9/11 Alliances to fight terrorism Very tense in Middle East Less civil liberties Racial profiling

U.S. Actions Dept. of Homeland Security created Afghanistan USA Patriot Act