Prehistoric Man Earliest remains found in East Africa (Leakeys)


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Presentation transcript:

Exam Review Early Civilization Exam next Tuesday (DBQ’s) and Wednesday (Multiple Choice)

Prehistoric Man Earliest remains found in East Africa (Leakeys) First metal used – Copper Hunter/Gatherers Small Population

Neolithic Revolution Learned to farm Domesticated animals Permanent settlements – led to villages with government Domesticated animals

Civilization Advanced/Developed complex institutions Established cities Needed an agricultural surplus Writing systems Kept records Communication

River Valley Civilizations Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China Mild Climate Fertile Soil – Flooding Why settle near rivers?

Mesopotamia In the Fertile Crescent Region Priests held significant power Empires were absolute monarchies Code of Hammurabi???

Egypt Nile River Established trade routes with other kingdoms Why was the Egyptian civilization called the “Gift of the Nile”? Developed a calendar to predict the floods Built irrigation systems Established trade routes with other kingdoms

China Geographic isolation led to ethnocentric feelings