VTPBiS Regional Coordinators Meeting October, 2012
Welcome and Introductions Introduce self. Ask people to say name, school, level or years of implementation
AGENDA Purpose of Regional Coordinator Meetings Networking Activity Review of VTPBiS Supports Navigating VTPBiS Training and Implementation VTPBiS Annual Acknowledgements Updates and Info
Why Meet? Top three reasons to have these meetings: Share ideas and strategies with peers VTPBiS Professional Development and Updates Practice Using Data for Problem-Solving and Action Planning This is an opportunity to get ideas and strategies from peers, connect around a PBIS topic of interest and to discuss the use of data and problem solving. These meetings also allow for a feedback loop between state and schools/SUs that we can use in future planning.
Activity!!! Count off by 4’s or 5’s. Separate into groups. Select up to three of the following VTPBiS topics: Teaching Behavior Expectations Acknowledgement Systems Defining and Responding to Problem Behavior Using Data for Problem Solving PBIS Potluck Discuss: What do you do at your school? What are your successes and challenges? Select a reporter to share two highlights of your discussion
VTPBiS Supports State TAs Implementation Coaches SU/District Coordinators School Coordinators Administrator and Leadership Team School & Community Vt’s infrastructure of supports to schools. This is based on the science of implementing evidence based practices in which the coaching feature at all levels of the system is a key feature in implmentation and sustainability over time. It allows for the PIP-PEP cycle.
VTPBiS – How supports are provided Overview of VTPBiS Roles: Review cascade of supports and clarify the role of the implementation coach. Ask folks to raise hands if they can id their SU coordinator. Also, can they identify their TA? Hand out the Calendar of roles and responsibilites.
NAVIGATING VTPBiS Please refer to the handout with this flowchart so people can read it. Please make sure that people understand that this is not a linear process. It may be that a school will need to go back a few steps in order to move forward again. An example: School principal was a major support of PBIS leaves the school. New principal does not prioritize the work for the first year. He then goes back to the Intro Forum and works to get buy-in of staff and the team re-forms and rolls out again.
Important VTPBiS Resources: VTPBiS Training Calendar VTPBiS Calendar of Activities for Coordinators and Coaches Monthly Newsletter www.pbisvermont.org Other websites
Celebration of VTPBiS Schools! School of Distinction Vermont Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports Hand out banners, ribbons, and certificates. Schools will receive the following: Banners for all new schools Certificates for all schools based on what they applied for or generic. Ribbons for VTPBiS Schools of Merit Special ribbons and letter from DOE for VTPBiS Exemplar Schools Read samples of school responses to group.
Annual VTPBiS School Acknowledgements Banner Schools VTPBiS Schools of Recognition VTPBiS Schools of Merit VTPBiS Exemplar Schools Banner Schools: Just received training last spring or summer. Rolling out at the Universal Level. VTPBiS School of Recognition: To receive a 2011-12 VTPBiS Certificate of Recognition, nominate your school for achievement in one or several areas including increased staff collaboration, increased ability to make decisions based on data, and decrease in behavior problems. VTPBiS School of Merit: To receive a 2011-12 VTPBiS School of Merit Ribbon, schools will show evidence of: Implementing Universal PBIS with fidelity (measured as 70% on the Benchmarks of Quality or 80/80 on the School-wide Evaluation Tool) Using behavior data (Big 5 data) within a problem-solving framework to improve student outcomes. Completing the annual Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) to help plan/revise implementation. VTPBiS Exemplar School: To receive a 2011-12 VTPBiS Exemplar School Ribbon and a letter of congratulations from VTDOE schools will show evidence of the all of the above plus: Sustaining fidelity of implementing Universal PBIS as demonstrated by 2 consecutive years of Benchmarks of Quality at 70% or 80% on School-wide Evaluation Tool Sustained implementation has had positive effects on their academic and behavioral data
What did schools recognize themselves for?
Coordinator Meeting Schedule January – Regional Data Day for Leadership Teams January – Coordinator Webinar March – Regional Coordinators Meetings May – Coordinator Webinar There will be one more face to face meeting in March. We will ask someone to share their Big 5 Data and review the problem solving process (problem ID, hypothesis, prevention, teaching, correcting, and evaluating.) We will also provide a brief presentation on a PBIS topic of interest. In January, (see calendar) to replace the meeting for coordinators, we are hosting regional data days. Key members of your leadership team are invited to participate in a facilitated process of reviewing your data, identifying problems to address and creating plans for problem resolution. In late January there will also be a webinar for coordinators that will provide TA in how to facilitate a data day with your Team or entire staff. In May there will be another webinar for coordinators on how to plan for sustainability for next year.