Enfoque: Lección 4 Get your name plate Get Handouts ♫” El Chocolate”♫ Table of Contents Write homework in planner
La Agenda Conversation (“Charlamos”) Homework Check - Materials Practice How to Arrange Desks Pronunciation Practice Bingo & White Boards ♫ Chocolate ♫
Conversación Hola / Adiós ¿A (name) le gusta jugar ____? ¿Qué le gusta jugar a (name)? Fútbol Tenis Golf Básquetbol Béisbol Lacrosse Sí / No
Conversación Hola ¿A (famous person’s name) le gusta jugar _? Sí / No Fútbol Tenis Golf Básquetbol Béisbol Sí / No Adiós
Homework Check (“La Tarea”) Materials and Supplies DSMS ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK/ STUDENT PLANNER 3-RING BINDER FOR “SPANISH”. Three - 3 – RING POCKET DIVIDERs Label: Notes, Songs, Assessments APPROX. 500 INDEX CARDS (3” X 5”) 2 PENCILS WITH ERASERS (ERASABLE PENS OK) Pencil Sharpener
“Pupitres en Orden Normal/U” Line up desks to form a horseshoe with 2 rows 6 x 6 x 6 for horseshoe 3 in 2 rows facing white board Line up with lines on floor
“Pupitres en Orden Normal” (Desks in Normal Order) Line up desks to form a horseshoe w/ 2 rows in center 6 x 6 x 6 for horseshoe 3 in 2 rows facing white board Line up with lines on floor
“Pupitres en Orden para Examenes” (Desks in order for exams) “Pupitres en Orden para Examenes” (Desks in order for exams) - 6 desks x 4 desks facing smart board - 2 boxes between rows/columns) Marks on floor
How to put Desks in Groups of 4 Put Desks in Exam order (6 columns) Odd rows turn to face desk behind you.
Let’s play Bingo!!!!!!! Fill in your bingo handout Play!! Watch Smart Board Demonstration How- to set up a bingo grid Fill in your bingo handout Play!!
Pronunciation Practice “White Boards” (use back of Bingo Sheet) Still having trouble? Review “Spelling in Spanish is So Easy” Wiki “Pronunciation Practice” - Alphabet
“¡Cantamos!” (“Let’s sing!”) ♫ El Chocolate ♫ 1, 2, 3, Cho 1, 2, 3, Co 1, 2, 3, La 1, 2, 3, Te Cho-co-la-te, Chocolate, Bate, Bate el chocolate.
Homework (“La Tarea”) Practice Singing ♫“El Chocolate” ♫ (Audio Link on Wiki)