Setting up your notebook
Warm up What message is this cartoon communicating? The cartoon portrays… The cartoon is communicating that… In your opinion, do you think technology has improved or weakened our ability to communicate with others? I hold the belief that… Technology has…but it has also…. While some people may think that technology…I think it has actually…
Agenda Setting up your notebook HP: Vocabulary work One question test tomorrow on A Farewell to Arms, open-ended question. CP: Learning Styles Survey
Setting up your notebook What you need: binder, dividers, pen, paper Label your six divider tabs: 1.Class Information 2. Conventions 3. Literature Analysis 4. Writing 5. Tests/Projects 6. Blank (this will probably be our CAHSEE section, but we will wait for a while before we use it)
Back will be essay score tracker! Class Information Course Expectations, About Me Page, Standards Check off, Test score tracker, assignment sheet TEST SCORE TRACKER Back will be essay score tracker!
Assignment Assigned Due Date Grade A S I G N M E T s H
CP Learning Styles Survey Let’s take the test!
Dominant Learning Styles (ALL) About Me Page Pictures Favorite quotes, saying, songs, movies, etc. MUST be colorful Name Class, period number School Year Dominant Learning Styles
HP Vocabulary Assignment Using all the words your group has compiled, choose one of the following assignments: A. write a narrative B. Create a comic/cartoon C. Create a monster using words to describe it D. write a song ***We will participate in a gallery walk when we are finished to decide which group did the best job!