Class 16: Summary of Ephesians A C T S Go Tell The Good News! (Part 2) Class 16: Summary of Ephesians
Letter to the Ephesians Theme: Ephesians 1:3 Two major divisions: Chapters 1-3 God has given us every spiritual blessing in Christ Chapters 4-6 Walk Accordingly
Spiritual Blessings in Christ 1-3 What God has done for us Blessed us in Christ 1:3 Chose us 1:4 Planned our adoption 1:5 Blessed us in Christ 1:6 Redeemed us and Forgave us 1:7 Grace…lavished on us 1:8 Revealed the mystery to us 1:9-10 “…a plan…to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth.” The inheritance 1:11-14 Predestined…how? According to His will Heard it, believed it, Holy Spirit guarantees the inheritance until possession
Spiritual Blessings in Christ 1-3 Paul’s prayer… Give you wisdom and knowledge 1:17 Know the hope to which you are called and the riches of the inheritance 1:18 Know His power toward us who believe 1:19-23 He worked in Christ…raised and then seated at His right hand He is above all rule, authority, power, dominion, name All things are under His feet Head over all things to the church, His body, His fullness.
Spiritual Blessings in Christ 1-3 How bad was your state before? 2:1-3 Dead in trespasses and sins Following the world Following the spirit that is at work in sons of disobedience Living in the passions of flesh, desires of the body, mind, children of wrath…like all mankind. But, God loved us 2:4-10 While we were dead…made us alive…by grace you have been saved and raised up and seated with Him Why? So that He can show His grace toward us in Christ Jesus By this grace…you have been saved through faith Not of your own doing…not from works…you can’t boast of this It is a gift of God. We are His workmanship created for good works for us to walk in them
Spiritual Blessings in Christ 1-3 Remember that you were once alienated from Israel, strangers to the covenant, separated from Christ with no hope and without God 2:11-12 But, in Christ, you have been brought near by His blood He is our peace. We are now one. He has broken down the wall 2:14 One new man exists where there once were two. Reconciled us through the cross. No more hostility 2:15-16 Now fellow citizens as saints and members in God’s house 2:19-22 Built on foundation of apostles and prophets You, together, are the dwelling place for God
Spiritual Blessings in Christ 1-3 Mystery was made known to me, now you can know it 3:1-4 “This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel” 3:6 Paul was given this ministry to preach to the Gentiles 3:7-13 May God grant you strength, that Christ dwell in your hearts, stay rooted and grounded in love, that you know the love of Christ, and filled with the fullness of God. 3:14-21
Walk In Such A Manner… 4-6 Therefore…Walk (worthy, humbly, gently, patiently, forbearing, unified) 4:1-3 Maintain unity! One body, One Spirit, One Lord, One faith, One baptism, One God, One Father of all! 4:4-6 You ALL received grace from Christ’s gift 4:7 He descended, He ascended, He gave the apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, teachers…for what? 4:8-11 For Building UP the body of Christ ! 4:12 For Unity Of The Faith ! 4:13 So that, we may no longer be children. 4:16
Walk In Such A Manner… 4-6 You! Don’t walk as Gentiles 4:17-19 You! Put off your old self 4:20-24 You! Give no opportunity to devil 4:25-31 Angry! Don’t sin Thief! Don’t steal Corrupt talk! Speak what is good and gives grace Do not grieve the Holy Spirit Put away bitterness, wrath, anger, slander, malice You! Be kind, tenderhearted, forgiving…as Christ forgave you 4:32
Walk In Such A Manner… 4-6 You! Imitate God 5:1-14 Walk in love as Christ loved and gave Himself Don’t let immorality, impurity, covetousness be named among you No filthiness, crude joking. But be thankful Don’t be deceived by empty words Don’t become partners with those in the dark. You are Light. Walk as children of light Darkness! Stay away from it. Light exposes deeds done in the dark Walk as the wise 5:15-21 Use time wisely Do not get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit Sing, Give Thanks, Submit to one another!
Walk In Such A Manner… 4-6 Speaking of Submission… 5:22-33 Husband is head of wife. Wives submit to husbands Christ is head of church. Church submit to Christ Husbands love wives. As Christ loved church and died for her, so that he might sanctify her, present her perfect. Leave father and mother Hold fast to wife Two become one Love wife Wife respect husband
Walk In Such A Manner… 4-6 Relationships 6:1-9 Children, Father, Mother Servants, masters Conclusion of letter 6:10-20 Be strong. Put on the whole armor of God! Stand against schemes of the devil! Fight against darkness, forces of evil Stand firm using the armor: Truth, Righteousness, Readiness by the gospel, Faith, Salvation, Word of God Be bold. Greetings 6:21-24