The Mystery of the Church IN SALVATION HISTORY
What does “Church” mean? in the Germanic languages... (which is the language English comes from) related to the German word Kirche derived from the Greek kyriake “belonging to the Lord” in the Romance languages… translated Greek ekklesia or the Hebrew word q_h_l “those called out” (FYI: q_h_l described the Chosen People) today, we define Church as… Catholics who come together at the liturgy the local parish community, a fellowship of believers in Christ the universal community of believers
Images of the Church from the New Testament… Our Mother or Holy Mother Church pilgrim the Bride of Christ Christ’s flock cultivated field building of God Christ’s vineyard from the Vatican Council II… mystery Sacrament of Jesus Christ People of God Body of Christ Temple of the Holy Spirit
“a visible sign of invisible grace” mystery vs. problem MYSTERY PROBLEM we cannot solve it draws us in the more we know about it, the greater it becomes we can solve it keeps us out the more we know about it, the smaller it becomes Mystery is “a visible sign of invisible grace” -St. Augustine grace: our share in the divine life
SACRAMENT Sacrament of Jesus Christ JC gives the Church 4 tasks sacrament IS what it symbolizes efficacious symbol a symbol that causes or is what it symbolizes makes God’s grace-full love visible in signs that make ready what they signify Sacrament of Jesus Christ JC is the starting point of all sacraments notion of sacrament begins in JC fundamental nature of sacrament is revealed in JC JC is what he represents: God-with-us! JC gives the Church 4 tasks kerygma koinonia diakonia leitourgia
The Marks of the Church
ONE 3 visible bonds of oneness/unity in the Church profession of one faith worship of God celebrated in common succession of the bishops through Holy Orders there can be great diversity in the Church, and yet the Church can remain one
“God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good” HOLY “God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good” (Genesis 1:31) everything God made is holy-INCLUDING US!!! holiness is the Original Blessing
CATHOLIC derived from Greek katha holos universal in two ways: “to include everyone” universal in two ways: The Church is catholic because all baptized people are part of the Church and the Church possesses the means of salvation. The mission of the Church is universal because the Church has been sent to proclaim Christ to the entire human race.
APOSTOLIC founded by the Apostles authorizes the Apostles’ teaching unchanged continues to be taught, made holy, and sanctified by the bishops where do we come in? an Apostle’s role (YOU) is to be a missionary of the Christ’s love for the world