1. Title: President Lincoln, writing the Proclamation of Freedom. January 1st, 1863 / painted by [David Gilmour] Blythe ; lithogr. and printed in colors by Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co. Cincinnati, O. Creator(s): Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co., lithographer Related Names: Blythe, David Gilmour, 1815-1865 , artist Date Created/Published: [Pittsburgh, Pa.] : M. Depuy, no. 21 Wylie St., Pittsburgh, publisher, [1863]
2. Writing the Emancipation Proclamation [Etching] Volck, Adalbert John, 1828-1912. CREATED/PUBLISHED Baltimore, 1863
3. Title: Breaking that "backbone" Creator(s): Currier & Ives., Related Names: Day, Benjamin Henry, 1838-1916 , artist Date Created/Published: [New York] : Pub'd. by Currier & Ives, Nassau St., N.Y. [1862 or 1863]
4. Title: Emancipation / Th. Nast ; King & Baird, printers, 607 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Creator(s): King & Baird, engraver Related Names: Nast, Thomas, 1840-1902 , artist Bott, S. , publisher Umpehent, J. W. , copyright claimant Date Created/Published: [Philadelphia] : Published by S. Bott, no. 43 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Penna., c1865.
5. Item Title Uncle Abe's valentine sent by Columbia; an envelope full of broken chains. Created/Published 2/1865 New York Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper
Message/Meaning being conveyed by the artist’s drawing. Remember to keep the date in mind when looking at the sources. Observe (Symbols) Message/Meaning being conveyed by the artist’s drawing. Drawn by a Confederate or Union Sympathizer? How do you know? Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5