CORRUPT GOVERNMENT -many people saw gov’t job as means of wealth -graft kickbacks Fraud
CORRUPT GOVERNMENT -many people saw gov’t job as means of wealth -graft kickbacks Fraud
CORRUPT GOVERNMENT -many people saw gov’t job as means of wealth -graft kickbacks Fraud
POLITICAL MACHINES -when a party comes to dominate an area -patronage, loyalty, graft -why did the public allow this system??? -boss controlled many jobs, services
WHY CORRUPTION IS ALLOWED? -most cities lacked services -political machines helped those on bottom to gain their voting loyalty
TWEED RING -controlled NYC -Tammany Hall ring lots of graft and corruption -exposed by political cartoonist Thomas Nast
OTHER SCANDALS -Credit Mobilier RR scandal -lobbyists held great influence over Congress for the large trusts
CIVIL SERVICE REFORM -patronage system puts unqualified people in positions -Rutherford Hayes campaigns for political reform -urges the elimination of patronage system and establishment of merit system
PRESIDENTS AND POLITICS -Hayes leads reform efforts -James Garfield continues reforms -Garfield assassinated by job seeker Chester Arthur becomes President -Pendelton Act passes
TARIFFS DOMINATES POLITICS -Grover Cleveland(1884), Benjamin Harrison(1888), Cleveland again(1892) -Tariff and reform are major issues -Tariff reforms fail as McKinley Tariff passes– highest yet