SOCIETY society
SOCIETY Web of a social relations, complex of organized associations and institutions with community
Man is a social animal as he can not llive alone and needs society. The term society refers not to a group of people but to the complex pattern of the norms of interaction that rise among them. Human society made of individuals. Human being is unique organism in the sense of individualistic . We are not ruled by instinct alone, but have lean-to modify our instincts according to our own needs & the needs of the societyin which we live.
Definitions “The term society refers not a group of people, but to the norms of interaction that rise among and between them.” By - Lapiere “ Society is web of social relationships". All types of social agencies come in society. Every individual is dependent upon every other individual. There should be harmony in the relationships. By - R.M.MacIver
“ A society is the larger group to which only individual belongs “ A society is the larger group to which only individual belongs.” It means all the individuals are directly or indirectly belong/connect with other individuals. Interaction is there between the individuals. By - Green
Origin of society Devine origin theory As god created all the animals and inanimate objects of this World, so he has created society as well Society is the creation of God
Force theory Origin of society It makes society the result of superior and physical force According to this theory, society originated because of exploitation of weaker by stronger. Physical strength was plauing an important rolein primitive years.
Social contract theory Origin of society Social contract theory All men are born free and equal Individual precedence's society Individual made a mutual agreement and created society Every man was an enemy of another man To protect himself against the evil consequences , man organized himself in society.
Origin of society Evolutional theory It offers a generally correct explanation of origin of society, According to it, society is a growth . It is a result of gradual evaluation . It is continuous development from unorganized , from less perfect to more perfect and various factors helped in its development from time to timehg
According to Hobbs: Nature of society Life of man was-solitary Poor Nasty Individuals were enemy To each other To protect themselves To live in peace Against evil consequences Organized themselves in society
According to locke - Nature of society Not as a State of war A state of Peace Good will Mutual assistance
According to J.J Rousseu - Nature of society Man in state of nature Equal self sufficient contented Man Lived happily and with simplicity Increased in number necessitated Establishment of Civil society
society organism Cell of body Individuals as its limb Individuals as its limb If separated No life No life
Characteristics of human society Conscious relations are more important than mere population in society Much wider scope compared to community In, society, there can be many communities Possible to society to become self sufficent Area less & shapeless , people living in different fields can form society More extensive and closely co-ordinated Individuals have wider scopeto develop themselves & giving expression of their personality.