CIPC Relationships & Roles Electricity Sector - Critical Infrastructure Protection Risk Assessments Threats Early Warning Operational Response 13 ISACs Sector Coordinators & ISAC Council US: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Department of Energy (DOE) Canada: Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness Canada (PSEPC) Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) Federal, Provincial and State Governments CIP Committee * Executive Committee ES-ISAC Subcommittee Security Planning Subcommittee Working Groups & Task Forces NERC Leadership Technical Steering Ctee Other NERC Standing Ctees OC, PC, MC, etc Electricity Industry Associations: North American Electric Reliability Council Edison Electric Institute American Public Power Assoc. National Rural Electric Co-op Assoc. Canadian Electricity Association ELECTRICITY SECTOR ENTITIES Utilities, Transmitters, Generators, Distributors, Independent System/Market Operators OPERATIONS PHYSICAL AND CYBER SECURITY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION ELECTRIC POWER INFORMATION PHYSICAL PUBLIC HEALTH & SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY OPERATION CIP Committee Roles * Executive Committee: Identify strategic objectives and priorities Respond to requests from NERC leadership, governments and industry associations Identify needs to Working Groups/Task Forces Seek active contribution of CIPC members. Schedule and lead CIPC meetings Support NERC President as Sector Coordinator Subcommittee Working Groups & Task Forces: Define scope, deliverables, milestones and resource requirements Provide periodic status of milestones, deliverables to Executive Committee Conduct Working Group/Task Force meetings. Assign tasks to Committee members NERC Staff: Arrange meeting facilities such as physical space or conference calls Provide administrative support Act as primary contact with governments, decide responses with Executive Committee Operate the ES-ISAC
CIPC Work Flow - Security Guidelines CIPC Members Executive Committee Working Group/Task Force Standards & Guidelines WG NERC Staff Identify need Prioritize & assign to Working Group/Task Force Within days Prepare scope and identify resources 1 week Within days Approve scope & resources Review scope As versions developed Facilitate meetings & conference calls Prepare “content draft” Review “content draft” Scope-dependent Coordinate review of other NERC Committees as appropriate Submit “content draft” for CIPC approval 2 weeks CIPC approval of “content draft” Forward “content draft” to Standards & Guidelines WG for: consistency with existing Standards & Guidelines final format 1 week 1 week Prepare “final draft” CIPC review and approval to forward to NERC Board 2 weeks 2 weeks Post “final document” for public review Prepare “final document”