Theories of Public Policy Elite Theory- The chosen few or elite make all – important decisions in society Pluralist Theory- Simply too many interest for any one interest to dominate. (Elitist theory is impossible) Interest Group Theory- grouped with pluralists, recognizing the priority of one particular set of goods. Interest groups are the key actor because of this. Bureaucratic Theory- Complex world of bureaucracy empowers bureaucrats because we can’t see all that goes on within a certain area of policy
Policy Making Process Recognition Agenda Setting Policy Formation Policy Adoption Budgeting Implementation Evaulation
Recognition Acknowledging and defining a problem Government Responsibilities Child abuse throughout the ages Defining the Problem Transportation of people with disablities Transportation problem or Civil Rights Problem? Defined as a Civil Rights Problem Americans with Disabilities Act
Agenda Setting Systematic Agenda Governmental Agenda A discussion agenda of all issues that are seen as meriting public attention Governmental Agenda Only problems to which legislators or public officials are obliged to devote serious time too Who decides what gets on the Agenda for public policy?
Policy Formulation Crafting of appropriate and acceptable courses of action to ameliorate or resolve a public problem Who does this? All of the actors in the Political Spectrum Policy Adoption- How a bill becomes a Law
Budgeting Some times policies are not funded or under funded so they cannot function Housing and Urban Development only has funds to provide 20% of the eligible low income families rent subsidies
Policy Implementation The process of carrying out public policy through governmental agencies and courts 4 Techniques Authoritative Incentive Capacity Hortatory
Policy Evaluation The process of determining whether a course of action is achieving its intended goals GAO- Government Accountability Office