OLD TESTAMENT: The History of God’s Merciful Love
Lesson 1: Learning about the Bible 1.1 Divine Revelation “reveal” = “un-veil” Church – reflects on and interprets Word of God in every age (Magisterium) Two sources Sacred Tradition (includes creeds, liturgy, saints’ writings, papal teachings, etc.) Sacred Scripture (Bible - developed from Tradition) Council of Hippo 393 AD Divine Inspiration – the Holy Spirit is the main author of Sacred Scripture
Lesson 1: Learning about the Bible Dead Sea Scrolls (2nd century BC – 1947 discovery) Languages of the Bible: OT = Hebrew NT = Greek Vulgate = Latin Translation (St. Jerome) Literary Forms OT = History, Law, Prophecy, Prayer, Wisdom NT = Gospel, Letters, History, Prophecy OT & NT form one whole that connects (Basilica)
Lesson 2: Genesis - Creation Pentateuch = 1st 5 books of Bible “penta” = five “teuchos” = container for scrolls contains Torah (“law”) Creation accounts “genesis” = birth or origin 1st account - shows God’s power & transcendence 2nd account - shows God’s closeness & care
Lesson 2: Genesis - Creation (2.1 Genesis continued) Origin of the Universe Science - shows material causes (big bang?) Bible - shows God as ultimate cause designed the universe set things in motion Evolution possible if God guides it