The Burke-Litwin model indicates that a system implementation can't be seen in isolation External Environment Any outside condition that influences the performance of the organisation Leadership Executives providing overall direction and serving as behavioural role models for employees Mission & Strategy Culture What top management declares it to be! What Management Practices "The way we do things round here." The collection employers believe is the central purpose of of overt and covert rules, values and principles the organisation that ensures and guides organisational behaviour What managers do to use the human and Structure material resources to carry out the strategy Systems The arrangement of functions and people into Work Unit Climate The standard policies and mechanisms that specific areas and levels of responsibility, facilitate work decision making, authority etc. to ensure The collective current impressions, feelings and effective performance expectations of members that affect their relationship with boss, each other and non members Individual Needs and Values Task Requirement Motivation The required behaviour to accomplish assigned The behavioural tendencies to move towards goals, take The enduring thoughts and feelings employees work and responsibilities needed action and persist until satisfaction is attained apply to determine the worth and satisfaction of their work Org. & Individual Performance The OUTCOME or RESULT as well as the indicator of effort and achievement