Instruction Manual for using DynamicsCRM Mobile App LYH Data Application Instruction Manual for using DynamicsCRM Mobile App
Dynamics CRM for phones Step 1: Download App iPhone Android Type the exact words: Dynamics CRM for phones
Click the cloud or “install” button to download the app Step 1: Download App iPhone Android Click the cloud or “install” button to download the app
Step 2: get started iPhone Android On your iPhone or Android, type:
Step 2: get started iPhone Android
Step 2: get started iPhone Android This is what you should see on your screen... Go to the next slide
Step 2: get started iPhone Android If you are a COUNTY EMPLOYEE, go to the next slide If you are a NON-COUNTY EMPLOYEE, go to slide #12
Step 2: get started FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES ONLY iPhone Android FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES ONLY Email: Leave the “password” field blank Click “Sign in” when finished
Step 2: get started iPhone Android It is now redirecting you to the InSite page… go to the next slide
FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES ONLY Step 2: get started iPhone Android FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES ONLY Click “Continue to Sign In”
FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES ONLY Step 2: get started iPhone Android FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES ONLY Enter your County desktop USERNAME and PASSWORD
FOR NON-COUNTY EMPLOYEES ONLY Step 2: get started iPhone Android FOR NON-COUNTY EMPLOYEES ONLY Email: Password: LYH2016! “xxx” should be a 3-digit number unique to the site you are assigned to, please contact your site nurse for that number.
Step 3: ENTER YOUR INFO iPhone Android This is the app homepage. Please click this icon on the top right corner.
Step 3: ENTER YOUR INFO iPhone Android Click this one
Step 3: ENTER YOUR INFO iPhone Android Click this plus sign to enter the patient’s information. You need to click this button to enter each new patient’s information.
Step 3: ENTER YOUR INFO iPhone Android This is the page where you enter a new patient’s information. Go to the next slide to see a sample page.
Step 3: ENTER YOUR INFO SAMPLE INFORMATION iPhone Android SAMPLE INFORMATION To save the information, click the “save” button.
QUESTIONS? CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED THE APPLICATION If you have any questions, please contact: Sharon Qin C: 619-455-0739