The Role of Support Coordinators on the Path to Competitive Employment Sara Molina-Robinson, MS, NPM Managing Director of Social Services Contributor: Vanessa McCloskey, BSW, CAPP PersonLink (Integrated Employment Specialist) COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT ABSTRACT RESULTS METHODS PersonLink contracts with the Pennsylvania Commonwealth’s Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs. The program, which began in July 2004, offers supports coordination service to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Philadelphia, Montgomery, Chester and Delaware Counties. PersonLink envisions a world in which all people have socially-valued roles and ready access to the services they need. We strive to achieve our vision through innovative, collaborative practices that promote professionalism, accountability, and transparency within our organization and in the intellectual and developmental disabilities systems as a whole. PersonLink supports over 1,300 individuals a year. Of those individuals 16% are transition age and going through the process of preparing for adulthood. The Pennsylvania Everyday Lives principles that guides the intellectual and developmental disabilities service system is deeply rooted in the concept of self-determination, personal choice and valued social roles. PersonLink’s Integrated Employment Initiative focuses on the Supports Coordinator’s role in facilitating employment or self-employment options for those individuals who express a desire to work. We encourage and support everyone to explore their interest and options including an entrepreneur path which provides flexibility and accommodates individual situations. The goal of the Integrated Employment Initiative is to facilitate the employment path through a thoughtful process that includes assessments, evaluations, exploration, and internships with a supportive network of partners within the IDD system, business community, and the community at large. PersonLink’s initiative facilitates the steps with the schools, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and Disabilities Employment Services (DES) ensuring there is a transition plan and services and experiences that prepare and support the individual in their path to employment. Supports Coordinators work with the school to include an employment goal in the individual’s IEP. They ensure that assessments are scheduled and completed by OVR and DES and that those assessments are used to identify needed services, training and coaching. The 2014-2015 National Core Indicator survey of 600 Pennsylvania individuals with disabilities indicates that only 24% of respondents had employment as a goal in their Individual Education Plan (IEP). It also documents that 15% of respondents had paid community employment compared to 31% of respondents who wanted but had not secured paid community employment. Additionally, community employment opportunities are limited to a few fields or career paths. Currently individuals with disabilities have limited employment options and many in fact still spend their days in workshop like settings or stay home without any meaningful community involvement after graduating from special education at age 21. As thought leaders in the IDD community, PersonLink leadership is investing time and effort on increasing awareness and educating and connecting the business community, one business at a time, to the IDD system. The intent is to create partnerships and diverse work opportunities that allow all those who seek employment to achieve their goal as part of their “Everyday Lives”. Employment Discussion with Individual & Family Administer LifeCourse Employment Tool Apprentice / Business Development Support Competitive Employment or Self Employment OVR Referral Paid Employment FIGURE 1 Employment Goal Added to IEP CONCLUSION The PersonLink Integrated Employment Initiative pilot supports five individuals who expressed a desire to work by identifying trainings, internships and placement opportunities that prepare each individual to secure fulfilling and competitive employment. The use of the LifeCourse tools was found to be effective in helping each individual and their family articulate a vision for a good work experience and a good life. The Integrated Employment Specialist was successful in engaging the business community through clear messaging about social value and contributions of people with disabilities in the work place and in our society. We also offered assurance to our business partners to support their staff in this process. The result was a positive experience for all participants and employers. Outcomes: Supported each participant to identify their employment interest and goals. Through the use of the LifeCourse Employment tool, created an employment vision and plan for each of the participant. Developed partnerships with local businesses and identify training and internship opportunities. Approved Denied ID Employment Services Referral Common Fields of Paid Employment FIGURE 2 Employment Discussion with Individual and Family Integrated Employment Specialist (IES) discusses employment with the individual and their family and completes Life Course Employment Tool to identify interests and goals. Apprentice Business Development Integrated Employment Specialist (IES) conducts search to secure internships through business procurement that matches the individual’s employment interests. Competitive Employment or Self-Employment Support Integrated Employment Specialist (IES) ensures the individual has the appropriate services and supports to successfully complete internships and placements with the goal of securing competitive employment or becoming self-employed. REFERENCES Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.(2016). Supporting Families of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities. National Community of Practice. Kansas City, MO. European Union. European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities. European Progress Program. 10 Best practices in Employment for people with disabilities. 2013. 1-21. Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (2016). Everyday Lives Values in Action. Harrisburg, PA. United States. Department of Health and Human Services. Administration for Community Living. 2012-2017 AIDD Strategic Framework: Disability is a natural part of the human experience. Washington DC. . 1-14. “Reports 2014-15.” Reports | National Core Indicators, Sara Molina-Robinson Public Health Management Corp. Email: Phone: 215-731-2139 Website: