Brainstorming activity Where I’m From Brainstorming activity
George Ella Lyon George Ella Lyon was born and raised in Harlan County, a small coal mining town in eastern Kentucky. She is the daughter of a dry-cleaner and a community worker.
Take out a piece of paper
Divide it into four quarters (you will use both sides)
4 minutes Label 1 section – Earliest Memories Brainstorm (means list quickly) as many images/ names/places/colors/items you associate with being small. (my list includes: tall grocery store counters, blue, a spider, a boot, a hammer, stamps, my brother, a doll, fear of monsters…)
4 minutes Label 2nd section – Family (doesn’t have to be blood relatives) – include pets here Brainstorm (means list quickly) as many images/ names/places/items/events you associate with people you consider family
4 minutes Label 3rd section – Other Important People Brainstorm (means list quickly) as many images/ names/places/items/events you associate with people who have influenced you (positive/negative). Think of words you have heard them say to you.
4 minutes Label 3rd section – Favorites Brainstorm (means list quickly) as many images/ names/places/items/events you associate with the best things/times you have had
4 minutes Label 5th section – Friends Brainstorm (means list quickly) as many images/ names/places/items/events you associate with people you consider friends
4 minutes Label 6th section – School Brainstorm (means list quickly) as many images/ names/places/items/events you associate with school. Try to make these specific. (not homework, but 10 algebra problems a night…)
4 minutes Label 7th section – Food/cooking Brainstorm (means list quickly) as many images/ names/places/items/events you associate with Food – be specific
4 minutes Label 7th section – Journeys (or other) Brainstorm (means list quickly) as many images/ names/places/items/events you associate with trips, (metaphorical or otherwise)