Chapter 17 Aging in Marriage and the Family


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 17 Aging in Marriage and the Family Age and Ageism Issues Confronting the Elderly Relationships at Age 85 and Beyond Grandparenthood Death of One’s Spouse Involvement With New Partner Preparing for One’s Own Death

Theories of Aging Disengagement: elderly and society gradually withdraw from each other. Activity: activity level remains high from middle age into later years. Conflict: elderly compete with youth for jobs.

Theories of Aging Age stratification: elderly represent powerful political force to influence political votes. Modernization: status of elderly in society is in reference to degree of society’s modernization.

Issues Confronting the Elderly Housing - most housing is inadequate. Health - good health is single most important determinant of elderly person’s happiness. Income - social security, pension benefits rarely equal to former income.

Sexuality and the Elderly Men - sexual interest, activity and capacity decreases with age. Women - hormone levels decrease, resulting in decreased libido, sensitivity and response. At age 80 and beyond, 95% of women and 55% of men report no sex in previous year.

Grandparenthood Grandparents often become default parents due to substance abuse, abandonment, or incarceration of parents. 5% of all grandchildren being reared in home of grandparent.

Grandparent Role Biological renewal - feeling young again. Biological continuity - seeing one’s life continue. Emotional fulfillment - involvement in children’s lives.

Grandmothers Grandmothers report more involvement and satisfaction than grandfathers. Age affects role: 19% of grandmothers aged 85 and older have weekly or more contact with a child. Benefits to grandchildren are enormous.