Government’s composition The government is composed of other independent parties like the : The President of the Republic who chooses the Prime minister and he has a representative function of the main council; he also chooses the ministers, the under secretary and the Vice President. Ministers without a budget that do not have independent money to spend. Under secretary Vice president
FUNCTIONS OF THE PRIME MINISTER He has the executive power. He is responsible for the general politics. He promotes, coordinates the activity of the ministers.
Council of the ministers It is chaired by the Prime minister and it is composed of the ministers with or without budget. There is also the President’s under secretary who acts as a functionary of the secretary branch.
FUNCTIONS OF THE MINISTERS The ministers are nominated by the President of the Republic. They are responsible for the actions done by the ministry. The under secretaries can help every minister in the economic and political functions. During the organization they can be helped by the Cabinet office which is composed of people trusted by the Prime minister.