Chief Executive’s address Annual Conference 2012 Emma Knights Chief Executive National Governors’ Association 0121 237 3780
The past year Key issues for governors School improvement Ensuring effective school leadership Funding School structures Improving the effectiveness of governance These issues inter-relate
Themes identified in DfE review Difficulty in attracting and retaining the right people and removing governors who are not performing; Lack of clear focus on raising attainment and narrowing gaps; Difficulty in accessing and acting on information and data; Difficulty in getting the right relationship between the head teacher and GB.
DfE’s approach Recruiting governors: Right relationship with head: support for SGOSS the emphasis on skills Flexibility on size and composition: over to us Right relationship with head: Performance management/appraisal changes Chairs’ development programme & NPQH National College’s Spring seminars Over to us
DfE’s approach Data and information for governors 2010 White Paper promised specific data for governors Ofsted is developing a school data dashboard NGA working with others, such Wellcome Trust and Fischer Family Trust: over to us Reducing bureaucracy working group Governors’ Guide to the Law Join our campaign for a Clerk’s Guide to the Law
DfE’s approach Focus on attainment & narrowing the gaps: We agree with their definition of governance, but where is the big ministerial speech? Reviewing all policy areas to consider GB tasks DfE supported our drive to reduce the time GBs spend on policies and revised list of policies with delegation published: over to us Governors do understand that ensuring high standards is our job: over to us
Representing governors We are still asking for: induction training to be mandatory three year funding settlements The All-party parliamentary group on school governance and education leadership: 10th December on school funding Contact your MP
Governance in the spotlight More school autonomy and local decision making New Ofsted framework Pilot of recommendations of external review House of Commons Select Committee inquiry on governance Status & respect
Celebrate governance Excellent practice looks like this Deadline: 17 December 2012 Awards ceremony: 30 April 2013 Lord Hill presenting awards in the House of Commons
Effective governance The right people round the table Understanding role & responsibilities Good chairing Professional clerking Good relationships based on trust Knowing the school – the data, the staff, the parents, the children, the community Committed to asking challenging questions Confident to have courageous conversations in the interests of the children and young people
Good luck with the year ahead Governors are leaders Create diverse talented teams Collaborate for continuous improvement Constant search for what works best Leading with purposefulness & confidence It’s up to us: we are the governance professionals Let us know what you want NGA to be saying on your behalf Good luck with the year ahead