Correctional Ministry Matters A ONE-DAY CHRIST-CENTERED AND PROFESSIONAL CONFERENCE February 24, 2018 Aliso Viejo, CA YOUTH CORRECTIONAL MINISTRY In Southern California and the Greater Los Angeles County Area Chaplain Charlie Corum
STATISTICS 1 in 160 People in California are in jail or prison (242,000) 13,000 Inmates are in 11 Federal prisons in California 130,000 Inmates are in 33 State prisons in California (30 male, 3 female) 640 California youth are in 4 DJJ State Facilities (616 m / 24 f) 1,000 youth are in 3 Los Angeles County Juvenile Halls and 9 Juvenile Camps with 900 home supervision and 863 CCTP supervision. Orange County has 4 facilities including 1 Juvenile Hall; total system capacity for just under 700 youth. There are 49 Juvenile Halls in 43 of 58 CA counties. 12,000 State parolees and 60,000 adult probationers are supervised by Los Angeles County Probation 32 Correctional facilities are in Los Angeles County including about 20,000 inmates in 8 County Jail facilities (mh#1) There are more than 60 City Jails in L. A. County.
SCRIPTURES “While Joseph was in prison, the Lord was with him” Genesis 39: 20-23 “I was in prison and you came to me” Matthew 25: 36
“. . . I was in prison and you came to visit me” Matthew 25: 36
“A Father to the fatherless and is God in His Holy Habitation” “I want you to know that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel . . . It is known to everyone that my imprisonment is for Christ” Philippians 1: 12-14 “A Father to the fatherless and Protector of Widows is God in His Holy Habitation” Psalm 68: 5
A Fatherless Generation Statistics 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average. 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average. 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control) 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26) 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report) *70% of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Sept. 1988) *85% of all youths in prison come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Fulton Co. Georgia, Texas Dept. of Correction)
Definition of Aftercare The care, treatment, help, or supervision given to persons discharged from an institution (such as a prison or hospital). Merriam Webster Dictionary
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Youth who are released from institutional confinement are more likely to succeed if they have access to services that can help them thrive in a non institutional environment. When high-quality reentry and aftercare services are available, youth need to spend less time in confinement, and the overall cost of juvenile corrections can be reduced. Effective reentry/aftercare programs begin before a youth leaves the facility and involve the family and the community.
AFTER CARE Follow Up Acts 14: 21, 22 They preached the gospel in that city and won a large number of disciples. Then they returned to Lystra, Iconium and Antioch,22 strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. Planting and Watering 1 Corinthians 3: 6 I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.
Chaplain Charlie Corum YOUTH OUTREACH RESOURCE NETWORK a project of Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries© Serving CDCR DJJ, Los Angeles County Probation & Foster Care Youth and Community Youth Programs Chaplain Charlie Corum
Religious & Non religious (Protestant, BMP & Volunteer Programs) YOUTH OUTREACH RESOURCE NETWORK a project of Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries© Pre Release Religious & Non religious (Protestant, BMP & Volunteer Programs) Meeting, Developing Relationships, Pre Release Counseling, Referrals See, Handout “Pre Release Planner” See, Handout “Choosing a Good Church”
YOUTH OUTREACH RESOURCE NETWORK a project of Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries© Resources & Referrals Individual Identification Residential Educational Vocational Social Correctional Spiritual See, Handout “Probation Transition Resource Sheet”
YOUTH OUTREACH RESOURCE NETWORK a project of Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries© Coaches / Mentors / Discipleship Coach = Non religious content Mentor = Religious content included Discipler = 4, 8, or 12 weeks
YOUTH OUTREACH RESOURCE NETWORK a project of Pacific Youth Correctional Ministries© Pre-Release Planner (see, Pre-Release PP slide) Choosing a Good Church (see, Pre-Release PP slide) Probation Transition Resource Sheet (see, Resources & Referrals PP slide) Probation Aftercare Model Handout Cal Apprenticeship Handout Church Resources Handout What’s Next After High School Handout ILP On Line Handout Youth Employment Opportunity Handout Discipleship 4 / 8 / 12 Notebook
Chaplain Charlie Corum YOUTH CORRECTIONAL MINISTRY in Southern California and the Greater Los Angeles County Area Chaplain Charlie Corum
Following slides are NOT part of this presentation.
FEDERAL 184,000 inmates in 102 Federal prisons FCI Terminal Island 184,000 inmates in 102 Federal prisons California = 16,000 in 13 Federal prisons L.A. Metropolitan Detention Center
STATE California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) There are 33 State prisons with more than 120,000 inmates There are 4 State juvenile prisons with about 640 wards (DJJ)
DIVISION OF JUVENILE JUSTICE (DJJ) 4 State Youth Facilities 1 in Southern California Ventura Youth Correctional Facility Camarillo
COUNTY Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. More than 20,000 inmates in 8 County jails
COUNTY Los Angeles County Probation Department About 1,000 youth in 3 juvenile halls and 9 probation camps
CITY There are more than 60 city jails in Los Angeles County More than 17,000 prisoners are booked at Long Beach Jail annually Signal Hill Jail
SERVING Becoming a Volunteer Safety and Security Orientation Application Life Scan TB Test ID Badge Safety and Security Know rules Dress Code Contraband