Workforce Partnerships Supporting Apprenticeship Pathways November 16, 2018 Workforce Partnerships Supporting Apprenticeship Pathways November 7, 2017
Moderator Toni Wilson Workforce Analyst/National Liaison U.S. Department of Labor
Robert Sainz Assistant General Manager City of Los Angeles, Economic and Workforce Development Department
Review the types of partnerships between YouthBuild grantees and local Workforce Development Agencies Identify the resources Workforce Development Agencies provide YouthBuild grantees to support apprenticeship pathways Establish how YouthBuild grantees and local Workforce Development Agencies create apprenticeship pathways
Supporting Registered Apprenticeship Career Pathways Strengthening relationship with Office of Apprenticeship (OA) and leveraging existing resources: OA has direct grant funds that support Registered Apprenticeship (RA) pathways that crosswalk to YouthBuild programs and participants American Apprenticeship Initiative Grants to develop RA pathways into IT, Advanced Manufacturing, Healthcare, Transportation and others connects with the work of Construction Plus Industry and Equity Contracts are funded to increase gender, racial, ethnic and other demographic diversity and inclusion in apprenticeships among traditionally underrepresented populations. Presidential Executive Order Expanding Apprenticeships in America (June 15, 2017):
Robert Sainz Assistant General Manager City of Los Angeles, Economic and Workforce Development Department
Poll Question: What type of organization are you representing today? Workforce Development Agency (not operating a YouthBuild program) YouthBuild Program Workforce Development Agency that operates a YouthBuild program American Job Center
TODAY’S AGENDA Welcome and Introductions Presentations from YouthBuild Grantees that are Embedded Partners Presentations from YouthBuild Grantees that are External Partners Observations on Similar Partnership Activities Q & A and Adjourn
Embedded Models of Partnership YouthBuild Grantees located within Workforce Development Agencies
Kelly Fitzgerald Manager for Youth Services Capital Workforce Partners New Britain, CT Yolanda Rivera Program Director YouthBuild New Britain and BEST Program New Britain, CT
Embedded Model #1: Capital Workforce Partners and YouthBuild New Britain, New Britain, CT Partnership Overview Operates through the American Job Center in the City of New Britain Partnerships with the Hartford-New Britain Building Trades Council and the Joint Apprenticeship Training Directors Committee of CT Students participate in monthly visits with various apprenticeship training programs
Embedded Model #1: Capital Workforce Partners and YouthBuild New Britain, New Britain, CT Support from Capital Workforce Partners American Job Center provides full classroom for HSED, portfolio development and leadership activities Students are co-enrolled under WIOA and are counted as part of the American Job Center All leveraged funds under the American Job Center contract Access to Job Developer who creates internships and/or employment opportunities for young people. Employer engagement is a key strategy for portfolio development
Embedded Model #1: Capital Workforce Partners and YouthBuild New Britain, New Britain, CT Other Program Features Access to other programs and services at the American Job Center Expanding access to manufacturing apprenticeship programs Focus groups with YouthBuild participants to improve American Job Center services for young people YouthBuild partners also on Capital Workforce Partners Board
Kristina Smith YouthBuild Director Atlanta WorkSource Atlanta, GA
Embedded Model #2: Atlanta WorkSource and YouthBuild Atlanta, Atlanta, GA Partnership Overview YouthBuild program uses WorkSource Resources for placement, advanced career training and postsecondary education
Supports recruitment efforts Embedded Model #2: Atlanta WorkSource and YouthBuild Atlanta, Atlanta, GA Support from Atlanta WorkSource Supports recruitment efforts Follow-up and case management for participants Skills Development Advisors meeting with students and provide follow-up activities Benefits for YouthBuild staff: health insurance and staff training
Access to occupational pathways in construction, IT and healthcare Embedded Model #2: Atlanta WorkSource and YouthBuild Atlanta, Atlanta, GA Other Program Features Access to occupational pathways in construction, IT and healthcare
External Models of Partnership YouthBuild Grantees located outside of Workforce Development Agencies
Brian McMahon Deputy Director Operation Fresh Start Madison, WI Danica Nilsestuen Director of Business Development and Workforce Programs Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin Madison, WI
External Model #1: Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin and Operation Fresh Start, Madison, Wisconsin Partnership Overview Partnership in place for over a decade Foundations for the Trades, 7-week construction training program designed to lead people into apprenticeships in the construction trades. Building relationships with employers and union representatives
External Model #1: Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin and Operation Fresh Start, Madison, Wisconsin Support from the Workforce Development Agency YouthBuild students are co-enrolled Workforce Development Board has hired Operation Fresh Start (OFS) as a contractor Workforce Development Board pays for OFS staff positions, training services and assists with wrap- around services Operation Fresh Start has access to the larger team working with the Board
External Model #1: Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin and Operation Fresh Start, Madison, Wisconsin Other Partnership Features Workforce Development Agency provides access to business relationships Workforce Development Agency assists with recruitment and referral efforts
Rossie D. Cherry (Johnson) Chief Executive Officer Antelope Valley YouthBuild Palmdale, CA Maritza Dubie-Uribe Human Services Administrator II Youth Employment Programs Los Angeles County Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services
External Model #2: County of Los Angeles Workforce Agency and Los Angeles Region YouthBuild Collaborative Partnership Overview Strategic partnership is based on alignment of outcomes and leveraged resources The partnership supports federal, state and local initiatives The Los Angeles Region YouthBuild Collaborative signed an MOU as a WIOA partner
External Model #2: County of Los Angeles Workforce Agency and Los Angeles Region YouthBuild Collaborative Support from the Workforce Development Agency Participants are co-enrolled Work-based learning, youth receive wages at $12/hour Measureable Skills are captured along the way Support Services for equipment: safety gear, helmet, boots Placement Support -- pre-apprenticeship, employment, and/or continued education
External Model #2: County of Los Angeles Workforce Agency and Los Angeles Region YouthBuild Collaborative Other Partnership Features Workforce Development Agency serves as an advisor partner Partnership in developing worksites and other career pathways Trainings at local YouthBuild locations and WIOA service providers Work with local YouthBuild programs and WIOA service providers to: define services, set enrollment timelines, establish other partnership engagement strategies to maintain the quality of services for participants, and ensure each partner is meeting expectations
Great partnerships require a commitment to each other's mission and goals with a clear understanding and defining of terms for what those services consist of, with continual follow up to maintain a healthy relationship. It also requires straightforward and candid conversations regarding gaps in program services, concerns, and how each partner can support in resolving and strengthening those areas of weakness. In one word--- Trust. Maritza Dubie-Uribe County of Los Angeles Workforce Development Agency
Robert Sainz Assistant General Manager City of Los Angeles, Economic and Workforce Development Department
Embedded Partnerships External Partnerships Workforce Development Agencies and YouthBuild: Common Elements that Support Apprenticeship Pathways Embedded Partnerships External Partnerships Co-enrollment Access to Job Developers/ Skill Development Advisors Recruitment and referral Developing additional career pathways Engagement of employers and/or apprenticeship sponsors Supports work-based learning (internships) Co-enrollment Supports Job Development through funding Recruitment and referral Developing additional career pathways Engagement of employers and/or apprenticeship sponsors Supports work-based learning (internships)
Poll Question: What Workforce Development Agency services could support apprenticeship pathways in your area? Co-enrollment Access to job development services Access to case management/follow-up services Engagement with employers and/or apprenticeship sponsors All of the above
Apprenticeship Resource Guide Pathways to Apprenticeship Toolkit Features YouthBuild grantees that have successfully place students into RA. Workforce Development Agencies play key roles. 26/14/20/Registered-Apprenticeship-Toolkit Apprenticeship Resource Guide Lists federal and national resources for YouthBuild grantees seeking apprenticeship partners or wanting to learn more about RA /23/Apprenticeship_Resource_Guide TEGL 13-16: Guidance on Registered Apprenticeship Provisions and Opportunities in WIOA Recognizes Registered Apprenticeship as an effective strategy to provide services to out-of- school youth. 16.pdf TEGL 21-16: Third WIOA Title I Youth Formula Program Guidance Provides guidance and planning information for WIOA Title I youth formula funds _21-16.pdf Promising Practices in Work- Based Learning for Youth Looks at different work-based learning strategies including out-of-school youth from the National Skills Coalition lications/file/10-4-NSC- YouthWorkBasedLearning_v4.pdf
Toni Wilson Robert Sainz Workforce Analyst/National Liaison U.S. Department of Labor/ETA 202.693.2922 Robert Sainz Assistant General Manager City of Los Angeles, Economic Development and Workforce Department 213.744.7396
Yolanda Rivera Kelly Fitzgerald Program Director, YouthBuild New Britain and BEST Chance Program Capital Workforce Partners 860.899.3448 Kelly Fitzgerald Manager, Youth Services 860.899.3444
Kristina Smith YouthBuild Director Atlanta WorkSource 404.546.3083
Brian McMahon Danica Nilsestuen Deputy Director/YouthBuild Director Operation Fresh Start 608.244.4721 Danica Nilsestuen Director of Business Development and Workforce Programs Workforce Development Board of South Central Wisconsin 608.249.9001 ext. 227
Rossie D. Cherry (Johnson) President/CEO Antelope Valley YouthBuild 661.268.4577 Maritza Dubie-Uribe Human Services Administrator II Los Angeles County Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services 213.351.1970