BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION Growth Engine for SB and FIs Our Vision Be the best at helping small businesses and financial institutions grow BUSINESS TRANSFORMATION Growth Engine for SB and FIs Business Transformation Dying Product Line — unclear focus, leadership divergent, slow, stodgy, inefficient Clear and Stable Strategy Full Portfolio of Services Customer Focused Unified Leadership High levels of Growth and Company Performance Talent Management Employment brand New talent for new roles Culture integration Growth through acquisition Enterprise-wide talent view: collaborate, communicate — Retain and develop, build bench Leadership mindset TALENT MANAGEMENT
Leadership from the Inside Out Humans have a fundamental need for social connection. This default network directs us to think about other people’s thoughts, feelings, and goals. Social pain = physical pain Esteem Reputation & Competence Food Shelter & Sex Safety Order & Certainty Social Connection Inside Out clip: Matt Lieberman clip: (13:50 - 15:00) It all starts with self-awareness. Self-Awareness: Conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives and desires. Emotional Intelligence or EQ: The capacity to be aware of, control and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Social Connection: The basic need to belong to a group and form relationships. Whenever the brain has a free moment, it has an automatic reflex to go social. Low social interaction is: Equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day Equivalent to being an alcoholic More harmful than not exercising Twice as harmful as obesity Community Belonging & Love Maslow “rewired” Source: Matt Lieberman, author of Social: Why are brains are wired to connect
Awareness is not enough Awareness is not enough. Understanding self is where leadership and engagement begins. You have choice in the approach to leadership you take. You can Trample the Weak, Hurdle the Dead and Pillage the Village. Or you can choose to be a leader who motivates, engages, supports, guides and is open, happy and positive.
Embedding Self-Awareness, Social Connection Thought Leadership Academy Self Leadership Team Leadership Enterprise Leadership Leader Development Leading from the Inside Out Language of Influence The Mind vs the Brain: Who is in charge? Fundamentals of Managing Complex Situations Coaching Authentic Appreciation Personal and Organizational Change Management Setting the Stage for Quality Conversations Connect for Results Goal Setting/Performance Reviews Hiring and Interviewing Top Talent Healthy Mind, Body and Business Starts with mindset shift, followed by tools/process and development.
Thought Leadership Academy Outcomes Pre- and Post-Competency Ratings: Decision Making Leading Self Problem Solving Communication Adaptability Developing People Leading Change Business and Financial Acumen Leading Teams Applied Systems Thinking 360 debrief story Lessons learned: Work on the mindset shift while integrating into process Implement piece by piece Aim for progress, not perfection See talent as an enterprise resource Be willing to evolve, adjust and abandon Be patient, but persistent You can choose: How will you lead your business forward? What environment do you want to create? How will you achieve results? 360 REVIEW SELF