Solar time and Sidereal (Star) Time
Lines of Longitude Separated by 15 degrees (time zones) 24 x 15 degrees = 360 degrees
Latitude Latitude of equator = 0 Latitude of poles = + 90 and -90
Latitude and Longitude Prime meridian Greenwich England Two number define a point
Time Zones A time zone is 15 degrees wide There are 24 in all, 24 x 15 = 360 degrees
Real Time Zones Time Zones are irregular for political and practical reasons (4 in USA)
International Date Line Time zone at 180 degrees from Greenwich
Crude History of Calender Leap Year and Major Corrections Modern Gegorian Calendar
Solar vs. Sidereal Time Solar Time has 24 hours (arbitrary) Sidereal Time is 4 minutes less (23h56m)
Lunar Calendar Solar Months Synodic or Solar Month (~ 29.5 days) Sidereal Month (27.3 days)
Phases of the Moon Angle between Earth, Moon and Sun