Do Now Take out your Homework. Work on questions 7-9 on your lab
Do now Take out notes and HW
L.O: students will be able to explain how Longitude is used to locate places on Earth. S2a, S4a.
**latitude/l ongitude is like a giant, invisible, graph paper covering the Earth.
last time, we learned that mapmakers invented latitude to locate positions north & south
*mapmakers invented longitude to locate positions east and west. *prime meridian is 00 longitude. *The prime meridian is like “an equator” for longitude.
The prime meridian runs through Greenwich, England; the British empire (the most powerful country at the time) put it there in the 1700’s
Longitude (think Long or what holds the ladder together) Lines that run North and South between the North and South Poles. They are located at right angles to the parallels and are called meridians Longitude is measured using meridians east or west of the Prime Meridian
longitude degrees are from 00 to 1800 longitude *The Prime Meridian splits Earth into Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere. Prime Meridian east of the Prime Meridian is east longitude (E). west of the Prime Meridian is west longitude (W) Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere TEKS: Social Studies – 6.22 (A), Using social studies terminology correctly 7.22 (A), 8.31 (A)
*Notice lines of longitude converge (come together) at the Poles.
The highest line of longitude is the international date line: 180° longitude.
Is it the same time in Queens and Los Angeles?
LONGITUDE AND TIME 360° / 24 hours = 15° per hour The world rotates (spins) 360° in 24 hours. 360° / 24 hours = 15° per hour The world has 24 time zones, each l5° apart. THERE IS A 1 HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE FOR EVERY 15° OF LONGITUDE
Time zones: Each time zone is 15 degrees wide. If you know the longitude of two locations, you can find how many hours apart they are. You just divide by 15 degrees.
How to find your longitude:
How to find longitude: You need 2 clocks: one with your local time & the other with Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) Find the difference between the two times by subtracting. Multiple by 150 If your local time was less than GMT, your longitude is West. If is GMT is the least then your longitude is East.
1.You need Two very, very, very accurate clocks are needed to determine your longitude
2.One clock must have the time in Greenwich, England (GMT). My local time in New York City
3. The second clock is your local time (the time where you are). My local time in New York City
4. Remember 15 0 per hour.
If you know the time at the Prime Meridian (Greenwich England) and your local time, & you use 15 0 per hour, you can determine your exact longitude.
The time at the prime meridian (Greenwich, England) is 11:00 am Your local time is 9:00 am. 9 am What is your longitude? Solution: 11:00 – 9:00 =2 hours 2 x 150 = 300 your longitude Is 300 West
Solution: 9:00- 1:00 = 8 hours 8 x 150 = 1200 Longitude problem: The time at the prime meridian (Greenwich, England) is 1:00 pm Your local time is 9:00 pm. What is your longitude? Solution: 9:00- 1:00 = 8 hours 8 x 150 = 1200 your longitude is 120 east
Solution: 12:00- 8:00 = 4 hours 4 x 150 = 60 your longitude = 600 west Longitude problem: Solution: 12:00- 8:00 = 4 hours 4 x 150 = 60 your longitude = 600 west The time at the prime meridian (Greenwich, England) is 12:00 pm Your local time is 8:00 pm. What is your longitude?
GMT: 2:00pm Local time: 8:00pm GMT: 8:00pm Local time: 2:00pm Find the longitudes: GMT: 2:00pm Local time: 8:00pm GMT: 8:00pm Local time: 2:00pm GMT: 12:00pm Local time: 12:00 am GMT: 3:00pm Local time: 8:00pm
INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE SEPARATES 2 CALENDAR DAYS . America to Asia – gain a day Asia to America – lose a day If you took a cruise on a ship, circumventing, or traveling around the entire planet, you would experience firsthand a phenomena that would help you understand the importance of an international dateline. An explorer by the name of Ferdinand Magellan did just that in the year 1519. Magellan along with 241 men set out to travel around the entire Earth. These men kept very careful records as they traveled. Yet, when they returned, they found that their calendars were off by one day with the calendars of everyone in their home countries. What happened? How did these men loose an entire day? The day was not lost all at once. It was lost little by little, as the traveled around the Earth. If you stay in one place, a day lasts 24 hours. However, if you travel the opposite direction of the rotation of the Earth, your day will be slightly longer than 24 hours, because you are traveling ahead of the setting sun. If you travel with the rotation of the Earth, your day will be slightly shorter than 24 hours, because you are traveling into the sunset. At any one moment there are actually two days on the Earth at the same time. A new day begins at mid-night on the International Dateline. It travels around the Earth, until 48 hours later it ends back at the International dateline. If you were to travel across the International Dateline, the date would change either forward, or backward. This line actually lies in the middle of a time zone. This means that the hour on the clock would not change, as you crossed over, just the date.
Earth rotates west to east Solar time is based on the position of the sun NIGHT IS FALLING ON EARTH Look at the East Coast of the United States. The lights are already lit. California the sun is still visible.
This pictures shows AMERICAN CITIES at night. Time zones are based sun rise and sun sets because the sun rises in the east and sets in the west This pictures shows AMERICAN CITIES at night.
the time in the east is always later than the time in the west.. This pictures shows AMERICAN CITIES at night.
This pictures shows AMERICAN CITIES at night. Ex: New York’s time is 3 hours later than Los Angeles. Because New York is further East. This pictures shows AMERICAN CITIES at night.
Iceland England Atlantic Ocean France Spain Italy AFRICA
Two coordinates (numbers) are needed to plot points on graph paper
*Both latitude and longitude coordinates are needed to locate positions on the Earth.
DON’T FORGET TO INCLUDE DIRECTION! (N,S,E,W) When determining a point’s location, read it’s latitude first, and then it’s longitude. DON’T FORGET TO INCLUDE DIRECTION! (N,S,E,W)
In this course, use pg3 to locate the latitude and longitude of NY cities.
What is the latitude and longitude of Elmira, NY? What is the latitude and longitude of Syracuse, NY? What is the latitude and longitude of Buffalo, NY? What is the latitude and longitude of Binghamton, NY?
What is the latitude and longitude of Elmira, NY?
What is the latitude and longitude of Syracuse, NY?
What is the latitude and longitude of Buffalo, NY
What is the latitude and longitude of New York City?
What is the latitude and longitude of Old Forge, NY
Homework: create a word wall Define and include pictures (you can draw it) of the following: Latitude Polaris Equator Longitude Prime meridian International dateline Density Oblate spheroid