Instructional guide for setting up your Sport Clips Instagram Account
Sign up using the your cell phone number Sign up using the your cell phone number. Don’t worry you will be able to remove this later. Start by signing up for a new account. Sign up using the your cell phone number. Don’t worry you will be able to remove this later. Insert confirmation code you received For name use : SC(Store#) Example SCTX102 For Password use: Sporty1234 1. 2. 3. 4.
Click Next! Click Skip Choose from Library. Artwork will be provided for you to use. View artwork and select right arrow to move forward. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. 11. 12. Click Next! Click Click Skip Click Edit Profile Update Bio, Website, Phone Number, Email, Name: SportClips(store name) Example SportClipsArborWalk Click Skip Click Edit Profile 9. 10. 11. 12. Visit to obtain store information and profile pic to use when setting up your Sport Clips IG Account
First, give yourself an applause, high five those around you First, give yourself an applause, high five those around you. You made it through the crucial set up! When complete, please notify providing your store number. I.E. TX101 and TL Group. We will connect your IG account to your store social account within iAPPS. You will be able to use iAPPS Social to post on IG. There will be a mobile app coming soon to improve functionality and ease. You are almost there!
Congratulations! Your Instagram account has now been attached to your social account in iAPPS.