RRC-04/05 Information meeting BR/TSD GE89 Plan The Plan for VHF/UHF television broadcasting in the African Broadcasting Area and neighbouring countries, Geneva, 1989 Geneva 2003
GE89 Planning Area RRC-04/05 Information meeting BR/TSD 5.10 “African Broadcasting Area” means: 5.11 a) African countries, … between the parallels 40° South and 30° North; 5.12 b) islands in the Indian Ocean west of meridian 60° East of Greenwich, situated between the parallel 40° South and the great circle arc joining the points 45E00, 11N30 and 60E00, 15N00; 5.13 c) islands in the Atlantic Ocean east of line B defined in No. 5.8 of these Regulations, situated between the parallels 40° South and 30° North. Geneva 2003
GE89 Planning Area RRC-04/05 Information meeting BR/TSD neighbouring countries : Bahrain, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Republic of Yemen (including those parts of its territory which is not situated in the African Broadcasting Area). Geneva 2003
GE89 Planning Area African B. Area + neighbours RRC-04/05 Information meeting GE89 Planning Area BR/TSD African B. Area + neighbours Geneva 2003
GE89 Bands RRC-04/05 Information meeting BR/TSD 47-68MHz ,(54-68MHz for countries listed in No. 5.169 of RR, not concerned by RRC04-05); 174-230 MHz; 230-238 MHz and 246-254 MHz for the countries listed in No. 5.252 of RR; not concerned by RRC04-05; 470-862 MHz. Geneva 2003
GE89 Plan stations Originally: 10 313 stations Today: 11 023 stations RRC-04/05 Information meeting GE89 Plan stations BR/TSD Originally: 10 313 stations Today: 11 023 stations Digital: 10 stations RRC04-05: 10 801 stations Geneva 2003
RRC-04/05 Information meeting GE89 Plan BR/TSD Geneva 2003
Modifications to the GE89 Plan RRC-04/05 Information meeting Modifications to the GE89 Plan BR/TSD No of modifications processed per year Geneva 2003
Modifications to the GE89 Plan RRC-04/05 Information meeting Modifications to the GE89 Plan BR/TSD Coordination is required if certain limits exceeded No. type Limit Limits found in 4.2.2 TV->TV Distance Ch.1 of Annex 4 4.2.3 TV->FX Field at site Ch.2 of Annex 4 4.2.4 TV->M Ch.3 of Annex 4 Geneva 2003
Modifications to the GE89 Plan RRC-04/05 Information meeting Modifications to the GE89 Plan BR/TSD modifications normally accepted if nuisance field at site of affected station does not exceed: 47 dB (µV/m) in band I 53 dB (µV/m) in band III 62 dB (µV/m) in band IV 67 dB (µV/m) in band V Geneva 2003
Publication of Modifications RRC-04/05 Information meeting BR/TSD GE89 Plan Publication of Modifications Publication in Part A of a SS Comment period (100 days) Publication in Part B and entry in GE89 Plan Geneva 2003
Time-limits for notification and comments RRC-04/05 Information meeting GE89 Plan BR/TSD Time-limits for notification and comments GE89 Action by administrations or BR No. of days Paragraph of Agreement Administrations notify BR of their modifications 4.2.6 BR identifies affected admins. 4.2.8a BR telex to affected admins 0 days 4.2.8b BR publishes a SS 4.28c - maximum of 90 days from receipt of notification BR sends telex to administrations that have not given a decision 70 days 4.3.11 End of normal period for comments 100 days 4.3.10 and 4.3.3 End of extended period for comments 114 days 4.3.11 - only if requested If there is still disagreement, BR makes studies and informs the administrations concerned 4.3.12 Administrations request publication in Part B <465 days 4.6.1 Geneva 2003
GE89 Plan RRC-04/05 Information meeting BR/TSD BRIFIC SS SUMMARY ON WEB Geneva 2003
GE89 Plan RRC-04/05 Information meeting BR/TSD BRIFIC SS SUMMARY ON WEB Geneva 2003
GE89 Plan RRC-04/05 Information meeting BR/TSD BRIFIC SS SUMMARY ON WEB Geneva 2003