Are HIV and Other Chronic Diseases Models Applicable to Viral Hepatitis? Focus on HCV
World Epidemiology
HCV Epidemiology
HCV Subtype Distribution: A Mosaic of Overlapping Sub-Epidemics
HIV-1 Subtypes Worldwide
U.S. Epidemiology
HCV and HIV in the US
HIV/HCV in the U.S.: Epidemiological Overlap
Prevalence of HCV Ab by Demographic Characteristics 1999-2002 NHANES
Relative Importance of Risk Factors for Remote and Recent HCV Infection
Testing and Care
Current Recs for HCV Testing
U.S.: New HIV Infections / Year
HCV infection in the U.S.
CDC Medical Monitoring Project: HIV Update
Viral Genetic Diversity
Life Cycle of HIV
HCV and HIV Polymerases: Similar Structure and Function
HCV and HIV Proteases
Virology: Summary
Natural History
HIV and HCV: Much in Common
HCV: Natural History
Natural History of HIV Infection
Age-Adjusted HCV Mortality: 1995-2005
Assessing Virologic Response in HCV Therapy
HIV Therapy: 1987-1996
HCV Protease Inhibitors
Independent Predictors of Sustained Virologic Response (Logistic Regression)
HIV Drug Approval: 1987 - 2012
ART: 1997-2006
HIV Drug Approval: 1987 - 2012
HIV Drug-Resistance Testing
HIV Cure (N=1)
HCV and HIV: Treatment Issues
HCV + HIV: Healthcare Team
HCV and HIV: Summary