Please get out a sheet of paper and head it properly Please get out a sheet of paper and head it properly. A properly headed paper will have your name, date, and period.
Please get out a sheet of looseleaf notebook paper. (folder people pass out folders)
Only write with blue or black ink. Do not use pencil.
All papers must include your name, date, and period. This is your warm up sheet. Todays date is May 16, 2017
Question. What is polytheism?
My rules No talking when in assigned seat. No ripping up or balling up paper. Do not touch things that don’t belong to you. Do not put touch any desk that your not sitting in. No throwing things Keep your hands to yourself. No touching of any kind. . No rubber bands. Bring paper and pen everyday. Raise hand to speak at all times and only when timer is on. (If students are talking, I will not be able to answer you) No drink or food (this includes gum and water bottles) If it is a noise you can avoid, then please don’t make it. Don’t laugh at people being disrespectful or disruptive. Only leave seat when timer is on and no other student is out of their seat. When in partners, only talk to your partners. Only stay on approved websites. (especially Google translate) Do what teacher tells you to do.
My beliefs. Every student is important. Your work here is very important to many people including: yourself, your classmates, your teachers, your parents, and your country. I like and care about all of my students regardless how they feel about me. Every student can be successful in school and life. Every student can behave and behavior is the student’s responsibility. A student chooses their behavior. The school and all faculty and staff are here for the students. Every student can learn and nobody has right to interfere with a student’s learning.
In this room, we will have good thoughts, good behavior, and good speech.
Students need to turn in their registration forms as soon as possible The school needs proctors. Please let the school know if you can be a proctor by calling 336-694-4941. •May 25, 2017 Science North Carolina Final Exam May 26, 2017 Social Studies North Carolina Final Exam May 29, 2017 Memorial day. Schools closed for students and staff May 31, 2017 Language Arts EOG June 1, 2017 Math EOG ••June 8, 2017 Last day of school.
I will give you a minute to study it so you know it. Bradford, Gavin Buck, Matthew Cardwell, E'Shona Casselman, JaKoby Chavez-Aleman, Marlene Day, Conner DeBaere, Timothy Dodson, Jasmine Herrera, Alexandra Herring, Kelsey James, Cassius Kimber, Daneen Long, Savannah Murillo-Olivarria, Federico Nall, Abbiegale Potts, Nicole Riddle, Zoey Swann, Ethan Thomas, Calvin Thornton, Cheyenne This is the way students need to be lined up when we come back from lunch I will give you a minute to study it so you know it.
. Write your first and last name, Copy this Get out a sheet of paper and head it properly . Write your first and last name, Copy this My child _______________studied the Social Studies guide for 10 minutes. May 15, 2017________ May 16, 2017________ May 17,2017________ May 18, 2017________
Study every night.
Give students reading.
Reading for May 16, 2017 Many villages in the Yucatan Peninsula. did not have enough resources. This led to trade among the villages This is how the Mayan civilization got started. Trade among the villages led to wealth and exchange of ideas. Mayans were a group of city-states- each with its own king, who claimed to be descended from the sun god • Center of each city-state was a ceremonial center consisting of temples. Ancient Greeks also had city states. Kings expected the people to serve him • Royal women married into royal families of other city states. The intermarriage increased trade & formed alliances. The Mayans had a social structure. This is the social structure of the Mayans. • Social Structure- Ruler & family o Nobles & priests Craftsmen, merchants, traders Farmers, hunters Slaves 12. The Mayans had a very complex religion. • Mayans were polytheistic. Mayans built a temple structure for human sacrifices Mayans had games where losers were sacrificed, POWs also sacrificed 13. The Mayans had many achievements. Achievements of the Mayans Architecture o Astronomy o Calendar o Paper o Mathematics o Temples 14. The Mayans used Hieroglyphics like the Egyptians. 15. There are many theories as to why the Mayans declined. 16. • Several theories as to why the Mayans declined. Over-farming created a drop in food production o Attack from enemies o Fighting among city states o Rebellion of peasants that overthrew king and priest
Questions about reading. Who was on top of the Mayan social structure? How were the Mayans like the Egyptians? How do you think someone became a slave in the Mayan culture? Of all of the theories as to why the Mayans declined, which one do you think is the most believable. Why do you think this?
What do you think happened at this place?
What happened here?
What took place here?
Watch movie
Priests Because religion was an important part of the Maya life, the priests were powerful figures in the government as well. In some ways the king was considered a priest, too. The kings of the Maya often came to the priests for advice on what to do in a crisis and to get predictions of the future. As a result, the priests had great influence on how the king ruled.
The Mayans believed in many gods. What is this called?
What is it called when someone gets a right to rule from god.
Name 2 other civilizations that we studied believed in Divine Right.
What did Ancient China called Divine Right?
Do you believe in divine right? Why or Why not?
What other civilizations did we study were polytheistic?
City-states The Maya civilization consisted of a large number of city-states. Each city-state had its own independent government. A city-state was made up of a major city and the surrounding areas which sometimes included some smaller settlements and cities. Archeologists believe there were hundreds of Maya cities at the peak of the Mayan civilization. You can visit the ruins of some Maya city-states today such as Chichen Itza and Tikal. n.
The Mayans had many city states? What is a city state?
What other civilization did we study had city states?
King and Nobles Each city-state was ruled by a king King and Nobles Each city-state was ruled by a king. The Maya believed that their king was given the right to rule by the gods. They believed that the king worked as an intermediary between the people and the gods. The leaders of the Maya were called the "halach uinic" or "ahaw", meaning "lord" or "ruler". There were also powerful councils of leaders who ran the government. They were chosen from the class of nobles. Lesser lords were called the "batab" and military leaders were called the "nacom
What is a government called when you have a king?
Would you like a king or president? Explain your answer.
Laws The Maya had strict laws Laws The Maya had strict laws. Crimes such as murder, arson, and acts against the gods were often punished with death. The punishment was much reduced, however, if it was determined that the crime was an accident. If you broke a law you appeared in court where the local leaders or nobles served as judge. In some cases the king would serve as judge. At the trial the judge would review evidence and listen to witnesses. If the person was found guilty, the punishment was carried out immediately. The Maya did not have prisons. Punishment for crimes included death, slavery, and fines. Sometimes they would shave the person's head as this was considered a sign of shame. If the victim of the crime wanted to pardon or forgive the accused, then the punishment may be reduced.
1 Who wrote laws in Babylon? 2. What do you think should be penalty for arson, attack on gods, and murder? 3. What are the three types penalties that were employed by the Mayans?
The Maya civilization is famous for its architecture The Maya civilization is famous for its architecture. Many city-states built large palaces, pyramids, and other public buildings that are still standing today. The buildings were covered with carvings and statues to honor their gods as well as to commemorate their kings. Pyramids The Maya are perhaps most known for their many majestic pyramids. They built two kinds of pyramids. Both types of pyramids were similar in many ways. They each had the familiar pyramid shape. They each had steep steps up the side that would allow someone to climb to the top. They each were built for religious purposes and for the gods. However, they had their differences as well. The first type of pyramid had a temple on the top and was meant to be climbed by the priests to make sacrifices to the gods. The stairs going up the sides of these pyramids were steep, but not too steep for the priests to climb. The most important religious ceremonies were held at the top of these pyramids. The second type of pyramid was a sacred pyramid built to a god. These pyramids were not to be climbed or touched by humans. There were still steps going up the sides of these pyramids, but they were often too steep to climb without a lot of effort. These pyramids were sometimes built with secret doors, tunnels, and traps.
What two types of pyramids? Do you think we should build temples to the gods?Why or Why not?
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