HCAL – SiPM upgrade requirements


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Presentation transcript:

HCAL – SiPM upgrade requirements Workshop in Trieste on June 2-4 2008 A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

HCAL current baseline readout Inside the magnet: HB 144 x 19 channel HPDs (16 layers) HE 144 x 19 channel HPDs (16 layers) Outside the magnet: HO 132 x 19 channel HPDs (1-2 layers) HF 1800 one inch PMTs. A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University CMS Ring YB0 A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University Test Beam setup Due to the cosine effect of the Angle we have lowest light in YB1 (YB0 has 2 layers) A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Developed; Custom FBK SiPM A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University HO with SiPM readout A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University Typical SiPM pulse A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

SiPM-QIE Interface Circuit diagram S. Los (FNAL) To match the gain of the readout we used a factor of 5 lower couple capacitor Using R5 we hope to shape the pulse shape and cancel the tails A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University Pulse shape after QIE 1 TS=25 ns A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

2006 First Test Beam results A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University HPD muon in HO YB1 A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

2007 Test beam FBK custom diode (Used cells) A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

2007 Test beam CPTA 2x2 mm diode We used light mixer A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Linear range is worst then HPD A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

300 GeV pion resolution in 3x3 towers ECAL + HCAL SiPM HPD No indication that late showers give worst resolution as baseline HPD A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Measured Temperature coefficient A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Production Cooling and stabilization A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Radiation study in October 2007 A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Radiation damage for 240 MeV Protons Custom 6 mm2 FBK SiPM Annealing 1 day 4 doses of 2.5E9 2 doses of 1E10 4 doses of 2.5E9 IRST Sample 1 Total dose of 1E10 p/cm2 IRST Sample 2 Total dose of 3E10 p/cm2 A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Scope traces during radiation A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University 1mm^2 diodes A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University I_leakage vs Ped_rms A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

FBK single cel single PE (pedestal distributions) A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Damage and QE (one day annealing) T=27 degree C A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Dead time of micro cells A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Signal –Pedestal during radiation A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Signal –Pedestal during radiation Large dead time A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Radiation levels in HCAL HB – 1010 n/cm2/ CMS Year HE – 3 * 1010 n/cm2/ CMS Year HO – 109 n/cm2/ CMS Year HF – 1011 n/cm2/ CMS Year A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University Dead time shorter?? A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

A.H Heering, Boston University PDE vs Company HB,HE,HO HF A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

Smaller cells vs Linearity (deadtime!) A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018

New devices with 10 micron cells I. Musienko A.H Heering, Boston University 11/16/2018