Reflecting God To Others


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Presentation transcript:

Reflecting God To Others Reflecting The Character Of God In Our Community

A Journey Of Change 12 years ago this weekend we submitted the papers to sponsor the Nyarza family It was the culmination of a painful process of change for me and the church It was the process of coming to realize that I was a “Christ- one” in name only. That my personal values and behavior did not reflect the attitudes and priorities of the heart of God I struggled in giving loving care to the “Vulnerable Quartet” The Orphans, the Widows, the Poor, the Foreigners

Location: Dadaab Refugee Camps, northeastern Kenya 136,000+ refugees Camps administered by UNHCR since 1991: biweekly food ration distributions, limited education, extremely few training programs, no farming, harassment and occasional violent attacks on minority Sudanese population

The Conditions 136,000+ refugees Camps run by UNHCR since 1991 biweekly food ration distributions cut back by 50%, diet now sorgum and oil limited education, no farming, harassment and occasional violent attacks on minority Sudanese population People are not allowed to work, travel or settle in Kenya.

Nyarza family Charles Victor Joyce William Zechariah James Peter John 8 years 5 years 21 years 21 years 17 years 17 years 23 years

A Journey Of Change I was forced to examine my beliefs about the poor, the widows, the orphans and the foreigners in light of scripture and I was found wanting. 1 John 3:16-18; Do we even love the brother? Matt.5:48 – Calls us to reflect the Character of God That is what it means to be a “CHRISTIAN” Rom.12:1,2 – It is an act of worship to offer your body to God to be transformed away from the world to a “likeness of Christ”

Reflecting The Character of God We reflect the character of God by recognizing our sense of worth is not found in what others feel about us or in our stuff or others having the ability to boss us around. Matt.5:38-42 Issues of Pride Our worth and significance is found in God’s view of us

Reflecting The Character of God We reflect the character of God by loving those who hate us Matt.5:43-48 Loving those who hate us because God loved us while we were still sinners – Rom.5:8 How do we reflect Christ in our community? We read Scripture to understand what God likes, then allow His Spirit to transform our character to a likeness of His. An opportunity for Mercy, Justice and Love

Reflecting The Character of God We are to care for foreigners, because you were a foreigner to God – Deut.10:19 We are to provide for those without, so that God may bless us. – Deut.14:29 We are commanded by God to be generous with the poor – Deut.15:11 Help the Helpless because that is what you were – Deut.24:19-22 God is the helper of the Fatherless – Ps.10:14 To mock the poor is to show contempt for God – Pr.17:5

Reflecting The Character of God God rewards those who are kind to the poor – Prov.19:17 Help those who are oppressed – Jer.22:3 Acting Justly, Loving Mercy and Humbly walking with God is required – Micah 6:8 What is God quick to testify against? Mal.3:5 While religious activity is good, justice mercy and faithfulness must be a part of our character. –Matt.23:23

Reflecting The Character of God It is a heart that is transformed to reflect the character of God that the Son Of Man will welcome into His kingdom – Matt.25:31-46 It was the ministry of Christ to help the poor, the prisoners, the blind and the oppressed. – Lk.4:18 What does God consider pure and undefiled religion? – James 1:27

Reflecting God Today The Poor The Oppressed – the people with no voice People on Medical disability make less than $1000 Minimum wage workers The Oppressed – the people with no voice Farm Labour – some working 6 wks with no day off Battered wife Those in Bondage Sex trade workers Human trafficing Refugees Being a Foster Parent

God’s Chosen Fast - Isa.58 What is Man’s kind of fast? – 3-5 Selfishness, Pride, Exploitation, Strife, Fighting It is all about us Who is that reflecting? Satan is called the Accuser of the Brethren, The Father of all Lies, the Destroyer When we gossip and repeat the sin of others it is called speaking evil of others Who are we reflecting?

God’s Chosen Fast - Isa.58 What is God’s kind of fast? – 6,7 What is the result of doing what he asks us to? – 8 Our light will be seen by others He will heal us Our righteousness will go before us The Lord will protect us He will supply our needs We will be called people who repair and restore lives

God Blessing Obedience After we made the decision to help the Nyarza’s, God blessed us. That decision was a turning point for this church 2 years of total unity and excitement in the body God granted us favour within the community Other ministries opened up He gave us this building

God Blessing Obedience Helping the Poor, the widow the orphan, the stranger is not an option. It is what we were and what God did for us. It is what we should do for others. It is the channel through which God blesses His people. It is the mark of a transformed heart. It is the heart that will be blessed and welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven. It is part of being a disciple that Thinks, Acts, and Loves like Jesus

Where Are You? Are you wondering what this walk with God is all about? 1 Cor.6:9-11 God is all about changing who we are Have you been on this walk a while but recognizing some changes are needed Confess your sin Look for opportunities to people to reflect God’s love to Are you enjoying the blessing and joy of walking in obedience in a conversational relationship with God? WALK ON