HIGH YIELD STRATEGIES Language of learning Learning process


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Presentation transcript:

HIGH YIELD STRATEGIES Language of learning Learning process Learning dispositions Mindframes of effective teachers Teacher clarity Learning process Feedback that moves learning forward Language of learning What do you do when you get stuck? How do you know? What are you learning? How are you going? What are your next learning steps? What informs your planning? Visible Learner Know thy Impact Maximising engagement, progress and achievement for each student –support and professional learning available in 2016 to build capacity within the specific context of making learning visible

Middle and Learning Leaders Visible Learner Know thy Impact Starting point: informed by the beliefs and values of the BCE Learning and Teaching Framework as reflected here with the triangle. Goal: As a Catholic Christian community we educate all to live the gospel of Jesus Christ as successful, creative and confident, active and informed learners empowered to shape and enrich our world. The visible learner: The focus of everything we do is the visible learner. In our L and T framework, it is stated that learning and living are intrinsically linked.  We cannot separate the two.  Learning is personal, relational and communal. It is not one thing or the other. Each one of those things have context for us as catholic educators.  The dignity of each individual is paramount to everything that we do, therefore our enactment of the curriculum must be based on this. Know our impact: What is your impact? Schools have data now that tells a story; BCE has data; where have we been successful? What still needs to be done? What could be done? Make connections to 3 key messages – student self-reported grades (student beliefs about their own ability), collective teacher efficacy – together we can make a difference; in-school variation. The data we have gives us a starting point so that we can see the impact we have on progress and achievement. Building capacity: (Mouse click)Theory of action: how will this be accomplished? 4 roles (Mouse click)Teachers provide feedback to middle and learning leaders about the about impact and progress, about progress and achievement of students; in turn these people provide feedback about impact and progress to inform future action and so on .. (Mouse click) How do we then respond to feedback and provide support as a team, as individuals to inform future action.   Teacher   Middle and Learning Leaders   School support teams   Pedagogy group

Know thy Impact Visible Learner Our way of providing this support is through the use of the BCE Model of pedagogy. MoP is based on the science of teaching (the research) – evidence based The BCE model of pedagogy brings together the principles and practices of learning and teaching that lead to success for all learners. These principles and practices arise out of the beliefs and values of the BCE Learning and Teaching Framework and an evidence-base upon which teachers can construct their practice to ensure that all students are progressing in their learning and development. The Model of Pedagogy provides a common language for planning and reflecting on learning and teaching in our Catholic schools. It is based on: 3 principles: high expectations equity and excellence in teaching (based on evidence and research) learning entitlement that is about good quality teaching and engaging our learners, it is more than how many hours we are teaching a learning area. 5 practices of Focus, Establish, Activate, Respond and Evaluate focus on the learning and what the learner brings to the learning situation.   They are not linear or cyclical e.g. in Activate, a teacher will be responding to and with feedback; teachers evaluate student learning and the effect of their teaching constantly so that they can decide the best way to activate student learning. Do I believe that my students can learn?  (L and T framework) Teachers focus on learners and their learning at all times.

Know thy Impact Visible Learner What do you do when you get stuck? How do you know? What are you learning? How are you going? What are your next learning steps? What informs your planning? Visible Learner Know thy Impact Evaluating the effect of our work – planning our next steps Teachers evaluate the effect of teaching on student achievement and success by asking 5 questions of their students. We can ask similar questions to evaluate our impact. What informs your planning? What are you learning? How are you going? How do you know? What do you do when you get stuck? What are your next (learning) steps?

Learning dispositions Mindframes of effective teachers Teacher clarity Learning process Feedback that moves learning forward What do you do when you get stuck? How do you know? What are you learning? How are you going? What are your next learning steps? What informs your planning? Visible Learner Know thy Impact As part of our response to support schools in 2016 professional learning workshops and resources have been developed (and trialed). Intended audiences are teachers and school curriculum leaders. The intent is to build capacity, is to respond to the needs of curriculum leaders and teachers … Dates for these workshops are in the workflow in the opt-in activities. Schools use their data to identify their focus and then which of these would provide the necessary support. A brief description of each is provided in the workflow. All of these make up a common and shared understanding of a language of learning.

Language of learning Learning process Learning dispositions Mindframes of effective teachers Teacher clarity Learning process Feedback that moves learning forward Language of learning What do you do when you get stuck? How do you know? What are you learning? How are you going? What are your next learning steps? What informs your planning? Visible Learner Know thy Impact Language of learning – is not just about learning dispositions A language of learning provides a common shared language that teachers and students can use when talking about their learning and themselves as learners.

HIGH YIELD STRATEGIES Language of learning Learning process Learning dispositions Mindframes of effective teachers Teacher clarity Learning process Feedback that moves learning forward Language of learning What do you do when you get stuck? How do you know? What are you learning? How are you going? What are your next learning steps? What informs your planning? Visible Learner Know thy Impact The High Yield Strategies (HYS) are an integrating device to support a continual focus on learning and the impact of your teaching to ensure progress for each learner.