Prioritizing Student Feedback with the Hierarchy of Concerns, Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Welcome Screen 1 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Insert School of Nursing logo Text throughout will be Arial 16 point, black, on a white background with the School logo either visible or watermarked. Navigation buttons along the bottom, including: Home, Glossary, Forward, Back, Exit (and transcript on slides with screencast video) Welcome to Prioritizing Student Feedback with the Hierarchy of Concerns, A Faculty Development Module on Writing Instruction University of Rochester School of Nursing By Rebecca Wolf Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Narration transcript here Description of ay included interactions.
How to Use the Navigation Features: Home: Returns to the Welcome Slide Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Navigation Screen 2 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Insert School of Nursing logo Text throughout will be Arial 16 point, black, on a white background with the School logo either visible or watermarked. Navigation buttons along the bottom, including: Home, Glossary, Forward, Back, Exit How to Use the Navigation Features: Home: Returns to the Welcome Slide Forward Arrow: Advances to the next slide Back Arrow: Returns to the previous slide Glossary: A list of vocabulary used and definitions Transcript: Provides written text of slides with audio Exit: Ends the module Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Narration transcript here Description of ay included interactions.
In this module, you will learn: Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Objectives Screen 3 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Insert School of Nursing logo. Text throughout will be Arial 16 point, black, on a white background with the School logo. Navigation information: Home, Glossary, Forward, Back, Exit In this module, you will learn: How to correctly assess student papers for the writing area that is the first and highest priority for revision using the Hierarchy of Concerns. Why this method is beneficial to students and instructors. Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Narration transcript here Description of ay included interactions.
Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Introduction Screen 4 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Add picture file of a professor Navigation information: Home, Glossary, Forward, Back, Exit Audio information This is Professor Wright. Her students have revised the first draft of a formal paper after receiving feedback from a peer. Professor Wright has just received a second draft from each student. She wants to provide useful feedback but sees so many errors that it is difficult to know where to start. What can the professor do to provide meaningful feedback without overwhelming the students with too much information and increasing her own workload and stress? Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Narration transcript here Description of ay included interactions.
Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Review Screen 5 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Add graphic “Hierarchy of Concerns” with hover text of definitions. Navigation information Professor Wright can use the Hierarchy of Concerns model to determine the priority for the next revision phase and streamline her comments to focus on the top one or two writing concerns for each student. This will save her time and provide the students with the most important feedback necessary to effectively revise their papers. Here is a quick review of the five levels of the Hierarchy of Concerns. Click on each word below for a review of the definition. These can also be found in the Glossary. HIERARCHY OF CONCERNS Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Narration transcript here Click on each level to reveal the description. Description sheet can be accessed:
Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Student Example A Screen 6 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Student example A. Navigation information Hyperlink the word “paper” to Google Docs link below Audio information Now that Professor Wright is familiar with the Hierarchy of Concerns, let’s help her apply the concept on some student writing. Read the paper and decide the main writing concern that needs to be addressed. Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Student paper and transcript can be found here: Include link to student example A, either via Box or GoogleDocs
This writing sample is lacking focus. Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Example A Answer Screen 7 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Navigation information: Home, Glossary, Transcript, Forward, Back, Exit This writing sample is lacking focus. Provide examples of this from the text. Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Screencasat transcript at the bottom of this document: Add a video screencast that explains why the writing sample lacks focus.
Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Student example B Screen 8 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Student example B. Navigation information Hyperlink on “paper” Let’s try another one. Read the paper and, using the Hierarchy of Concerns, decide the main writing area that needs to be addressed first. Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Student paper liink: Include link to student example B, either via Box or GoogleDocs
This writing sample lacks development. Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Example B Answer Screen 9 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information: Home, Glossary, Transcript, Forward, Back, Exit This writing sample lacks development. Provide examples of this from the text. Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Transcript at the bottom: Add a video screencast that explains why the writing sample lacks development.
Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Student Example C Screen 10 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information: Create hyperlink on “student paper” Let’s try one more. Read the last student paper and, using the Hierarchy of Concerns, decide the main writing area that needs to be addressed first. Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Link to paper Include link to student example A, either via Box or GoogleDocs
This writing sample lacks organization. Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Example C Answer Screen 11 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information: Home, Glossary, Transcript, Forward, Back, Exit This writing sample lacks organization. Provide examples of this from the text. Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Link to transcript of screencast, at the bottom: Add a video screencast that explains why the writing sample lacks organization.
Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Independent Practice 1 Screen 12 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information: Attach hyperlink to clickable graphic Now it’s your turn! Here is a student example from Professor Wright’s class. The assignment is (include description here). Read the writing sample and, using the Hierarchy of Concerns, decide the writing area that needs to be addressed first. Student Example 1 Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Link to example 1: Include link to student example A, either via Box or GoogleDocs
Organization/Structure Paragraph structure Sentence level mechanics Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Knowledge Check 1 Screen 13 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information Knowledge check quiz After reading the student example, select the level that you think needs to be addressed first: Focus Development Organization/Structure Paragraph structure Sentence level mechanics Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Feedback on last paragraph: Provide feedback for correct and incorrect answers.
Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Independent Practice 2 Screen 14 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information: Attach hyperlink to clickable graphic Here is another student example of the same assignment from Professor Wright’s class. Read the writing sample and, using the Hierarchy of Concerns, decide the writing area that needs to be addressed first. Student Example 2 Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Sample 2 here: Include link to student example A, either via Box or GoogleDocs
Organization/Structure Paragraph structure Sentence level mechanics Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Knowledge check 2 Screen 15 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information Knowledge check quiz After reading the student example, select the level that you think needs to be addressed first: Focus Development Organization/Structure Paragraph structure Sentence level mechanics Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Feedback here: Provide feedback for correct and incorrect answers. If the leanrer has gotten both answers correct, continue to Review. If the leaner has missed one or both of the questions, send to an extra practice question.
Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Independent Practice 3 Screen 16 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information Attach hyperlink to clickable graphic Here is another student example of the same assignment from Professor Wright’s class. Read the writing sample and, using the Hierarchy of Concerns, decide the writing area that needs to be addressed first. Student Example 3 Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Link to example 3: Extra practice: Include link to student example A, either via Box or GoogleDocs
Organization/Structure Paragraph structure Sentence level mechanics Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Knowledge check 3 Screen 17 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information Knowledge check quiz After reading the student example, select the level that you think needs to be addressed first: Focus Development Organization/Structure Paragraph structure Sentence level mechanics Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Link to corrective feedback: Provide feedback for correct and incorrect answers.
Review of Learning: You learned: Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Review Screen 18 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Description and or file name of graphics to be used Navigation information Review of Learning: You learned: How to use the Hierarchy of Concerns to assess student papers for the writing area that is the highest priority for revision. That the Hierarchy of Concerns is a method to reduce faculty workload by focusing comments on one or two areas. This method also helps students because they receive just enough feedback to help them reach the next level on the hierarchy. Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Transcript of audio: Description: Narration transcript here Description of ay included interactions.
You have completed all of the activities in this module. Project name: The Hierarchy of Concerns Screen ID: Final Screen Screen 19 Date: : 2/5/2017 Graphics info Picture of a diploma. Navigation information Audio information Voice over narration and/music to include Congratulations! You have completed all of the activities in this module. Transcript of audio: Description: Narration transcript here Description of ay included interactions.