Lesson 4 Impact on the Natives Aim: To consider the impact of Spanish contact with the native people’s of the New World. Key Words: Tainos = a peaceful native people on the island of San Salvador, where Columbus first arrived, and other islands of the Caribbean. Caribs = an aggressive and warlike native people living on some of the islands of the Caribbean. Samana =
Watch the video. Re-tell your neighbour the narrative of Columbus’s first voyage to the New World in your own words. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pvcb1IK6aw0
THINKING DEEPER: CONTACT ON ALL 3 ISLANDS Read Pearson pg19 and pg 22 - 23 Extension: Laminated handout - Columbus and the Taino civilisation; first contact 1492 Detail the views and actions of Columbus and the Taino population towards each other on the 3 islands during the first voyage - be specific to each island , chronological order. Colour code table according to positive/negative impacts.
Columbus and first contact with the natives 1492 Natives actions towards Columbus and his men Columbus’s views and actions towards the native populations San Salvador – (p19) – Told Columbus gold was in the south Gave gifts of parrots, cotton and javelins Did not take Columbus to their leader. San Salvador – (p19) - Columbus arrives with flag and declares the land for Spain. Look and ask for gold. Bring new viruses and microbes. Gave gifts of glass beads, balls and hats. Juana – (P20 – 21) Guadalupe and Martinique (p22) Samana – (p23)
CONTACT WITH THE NATIVE POPULATIONS Reading Pearson 22 – 23 Extension Reading: Laminated handout - Columbus and the Taino civilisation; first contact 1492 Determine 2 positive and 2 negative consequences of Spanish contact with the Taino population during the first voyage What did Columbus leave behind before returning to Spain and why?
Impact of disease Although none of them knew it at the time Impact of disease Although none of them knew it at the time. This was to have the greatest impact on the native peoples. European diseases. Especially Smallpox. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsMGICONtb8
Be specific to the areas of land. You may use in your answer: Homework ‘The Spanish behaved badly and the natives behaved honourably.’ How accurate is this statement when describing the first meetings between Columbus and the natives? Agree Disagree 1. 2. 3. Then provide an overall view – in a short narrative paragraph. Write chronologically. Be specific to the areas of land. You may use in your answer: The first meeting with the Tainos on San Salvador The meetings with the Caribs on Guadalupe and Martinique You must use information of your own.
Columbus and Taino Taino views and actions towards Columbus and his men Columbus’s views and actions towards the Taino populations San Salvador – greeted, brought food, water and gifts to Columbus upon arrival . “They ... brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells.” – Columbus San Salvador - Tainos wore tiny gold ornaments in their ears. This was to have enormous consequences: it led Columbus to take some of them aboard ship as prisoners because he insisted that they guide him to the source of the gold. In Juana (Cuba), October 28 1492, Tainos introduced and taught Columbus and his men the ritual of the smoking of tobacco, a habit which they promptly picked up In Juana (Cuba), October 28 1492, they were the first to observe the smoking of tobacco, a habit which they promptly picked up “They manifest the greatest affection towards all of us, exchanging valuable things for trifles, content with the very least thing or nothing at all. . . .” - Columbus “I discovered many islands inhabited by numerous people. I took possession of all of them for our most fortunate King by making public proclamation and unfurling his standard, no one making any resistance”. - Columbus Hispaniola - Guacanagarix, chieftain of Tainos in Hispaniola, gave flattery and celebration to Columbus and his men by giving them presents; tobacco leaves and bits of gold. Hispaniola - Columbus gave the Taino Chieftain a shirt and a pair of gloves and invited him to have dinner abroad the boat. “I gave them many beautiful and pleasing things, which I had brought with me, for no return whatever, in order to win their affection, and that they might become Christians and inclined to love our King and Queen and Princes and all the people of Spain; and that they might be eager to search for and gather and give to us what they abound in and we greatly need” – Columbus Hispaniola - Columbus and his men were given a lavish display of entertainment on the island by the Tainos. During the festivities provided by Tainos, the chieftain dressed in the shirt and gloves that Columbus had given him Hispaniola - Columbus ensured the Chieftain that the Spanish monarchs will order the destruction of the Island Caribs and to prove his point, he put on a display of Spanish weapons – which both impressed and frightened the natives. Hispaniola - Columbus and his men were told stories by the Tainos about the Island Caribs to warn them of where it was safe to travel in the islands. Island-Caribs were thought to be, by the Tainos, violent, blood-thirsty savages. Hispaniola - Before returning to Spain, Columbus left thirty-nine men to build a settlement in Hispaniola called La Navidad (Christmas) with instructions to find and store the gold. Hispaniola - Columbus was presented with a large gold mask that had golden ears and eyes. The gold mask led to wild visions of gold fields. Thus the information that Columbus wanted most was: Where is the gold Hispaniola - He also kidnapped several Taino people (between ten and twenty-five) to take back to Spain—however only eight survived the journey to Spain.