Steve Powers By Jenifer Campos
Steve Powers He is originally from Overbrook, Philadelphia. In 1994, he moved to New York with designer, Ari Forman. He worked as an editor and publisher for On The Go magazine. He started doing graffiti in New York in 1997 under a street name of ESPO. ESPO is an acronym for Exterior Surface Painting Outreach. He would create his graffiti on storefront grates around different location in New York.
EPSO’s Art World Epso’s Art World is Steve Power’s studio in Brooklyn. In 2000, Powers became a studio artist and a mural artist. He sells his own art prints, sign paintings, and other object.
Coney Island Art Walls Powers started a program with the Dreamland Artist Club, with the goal to work on repainting signs, mural and rides for businesses in Coney Island. Powers had his work from Coney Island showcased at the Brooklyn Museum. It was showcased as ‘’ Coney Island Is Still Dreamland (To a Seagull)’’. Power’s work was exhibited three times in the museum.
Coney Island Art Walls
The End