Opening the Human Health Security Lens to Climate Change and Energy A Round Table Discussion Synthesis 7th July 2015 |9:00am to 3:00pm Multifunction Room, British Embassy 120 Upper McKinley Road, McKinley Hill, Taguig City. RTD Objectives Deeper understanding of the Philippine energy policy framework Determine relationships and synergies to address the impact of energy and climate change on human health Identify next actions for DOH in tackling climate and energy security issues DOH working document to update the National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP) The updated NEHAP will be presented by the Philippines Government in the Regional Ministerial Forum on Environment and Health to be hosted by the Philippines in 2016. Environmental Health is the practice of assessing, correcting, controlling and preventing factors in the environment that can potentially adversely affect the health of present and future generations (WHO, 1993) National Environmental Health Action Plan (NEHAP) is a plan that arrange collaboration between communities and a range of government sectors to improve environmental impacts on health at a national level Solid waste Water Air Toxic and Hazardous Substances Occupational Health Food Safety Sanitation
Key Messages Policy direction – Think long-term Close the knowledge gap Create synergies Aim for co-benefits
Key Messages 1. Policy Direction – Think long-term At present, short-term gains drive decision-making on energy mix with little consideration of longer-term costs DOE strives for a balanced participation of RE, oil, coal and natural gas in the primary energy mix Dependency on coal until the country builds up its required capacity to address the energy requirements of a growing economy Need to account for hidden costs in the price of electricity from coal per kWh generated Decisions that we make now will bind us in the next 30-50 years in terms of infrastructure investment, but much longer, up to thousands of years, if we think about the GHG that will be emitted. Conservatively doubles to triples the price of electricity from coal per kWh generated, making wind, solar, and other forms of non-fossil fuel power generation economically competitive.
Coal combustion in power plants emits VOCs and nitrogen oxides. Ground-level ozone is formed when two major classes of air pollutants – nitrogen oxides and VOCs – combine with oxygen in the presence of sunlight. Asthma Emphysema Chronic Bronchitis Pneumonia Sunburn of the Lungs Cardiac arrhythmia Heart attacks Coal combustion in power plants emits VOCs and nitrogen oxides. Low birth-weight babies in mothers exposed to high levels during pregnancy
Key Messages 2. Close the knowledge gap Need to examine the multiple health and environmental hazards associated with each stage in the life cycle of fossil fuels—extraction, transport, processing, and combustion Be mindful of the on-going research and debate on health issues associated with renewables Need for locally generated evidence on climate change and health impacts Assess health vulnerabilities: children, the elderly, and those with a weak or impaired immune system
Key Messages 3. Create synergies and foster collaboration Build on existing policies, programs and initiatives to strengthen the nexus of climate change, energy and health Health-driven energy policies Health surveillance systems to support monitoring of health impacts, emerging & re-emerging dieseases Re-establish functional work relationship among agencies (e.g. in the EIS System) and strengthen the IACEH Work with the private sector – they have the choice on what technology to put-up
No more bad air days! Key Messages 4. Aim for co-benefits Work towards the realization of non-climate benefits (health co-benefits) from renewable energy as the world strive for an ambitious global deal on emissions reduction No more bad air days!
Thank You.