Martinique – Guadeloupe 24/10/12
Description of Queen Conch Industry MartiniqueGuadeloupe Gears used Fixed gillnet Diving (apnea) Trammel nets Fixed gillnet Diving (apnea) Trammel nets Fleet involved (Data from 2010) 17 boats (operated 114 months)107 boats (operated 438 months) Production 3400 kg (2009) of which 57% comes from diving (targeting or not conch) and 43% from net fishing The annual production is 25 tons (2008) to 30 tons (2010) Current regulation Prohibition of catching juveniles (auricle unformed and cleaned flesh weight under 250g) 3 individuals per person and per day for leisure fishermen Prohibition of scuba diving Prohibition of catching juveniles (auricle unformed and cleaned flesh weight under 250g) Prohibition of leisure fishing Prohibition of scuba diving Open season from 1 october to 31 december
Data Collection System Evaluation/Estimation of: Number of fishing tripsAverage catch per fishing trip Martiniquephone surveys with captains (stratified random sampling) phone surveys supplemented by observations and biological sampling of the main landing points Guadeloupecomplete knowledge of individual consumption of fuel and the calendar of activity of each vessel a simple random sample of the main ports, made from Monday to Friday Fishery Information System (HIS), designed by Ifremer, collects data in the French West Indies.
Fleet evolution in Martinique and Guadeloupe
Biological data from Martinique
Imports and Exports CITES regulation: imports of fresh or frozen conch from countries or territories outside the European Union are subject to first obtaining a French permit of import, in addition of the export permit issued by the CITES authorities of the third country of origin Import of Queen Conch flesh in the territory of the European Union (ie France) is also subject to sanitary regulations Volume of Queen Conch flesh from imports (kg) Origin Cuba (kg)Jamaica (kg) Import of Queen Conch flesh produced by France between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2011
Fishery Management for a sustainable fishing Monitoring the production and fishing effort Carrying out monitoring studies of Queen Conch resource in Martinique and Guadeloupe Improving the enforcement of fishery regulations through annual fishery and trade of fishery products inspection plans Among the identified targets of these plans, as regards Queen Conch fishing, importation and trade, developing cooperation between official services by technical and operational information exchanges, joint surveys
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