Greece Literature and Drama (literati)
And drama...
Homer Aesop Sophocles Aristophones Aeschylus Euripides
Homer born about 750 before century wrote the lliad and the Odyssey Homer created a different style of epic because of the combine of fables with gods. Most of them are long and involve complex characters,dramatic actions,or something creative.
Aesop born about 550B.C. he composed Aesop's fables his one of the best-known fables is 'The Tortoise and the Hare.'For about 200 years,his fables were a part of Greece oral tradition.This means they were passed from person to person by words of mouth long before they were ever written down.
Sophocles born about 310B.C.~250B.C. he composed seven tragedies Important Information:According to Homer's Iliad ,he was the Greek general in Trojan war. The most popular works are Oedipus Rex and Antigone
Aristophones Date Born:B.C446~B.C385 Major Works: “Aharnians people" “The Party” “ Lysistrata ” Important Information: Plato wrote two lines of the epitaph for him: Miller goddess for a monumental palace, They finally found Aristophanes ling.
Aeschylus Date Born:B.C524 –B.C456 Major Works: The Persians, Seven against Thebes, The Suppliants Important Information: He is often described as the father of tragedy. He was a deep, religious thinker. He was the first of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays can still be read or performed. He introduced costumes, prop, and stage decorations.
Euripides Date Born: 485 or 480 years -- 406 B.C. Major Work: “Alcestis” “Ion” Important information: Askew Ross and Sophocles and known as the three Greek tragedy master, he composed more than ninety works, and still retained eighteen.
Thanks for watching! by Louise Erin Noah