Entrepreneurship The Good vs the Bad
Being an Entrepreneur as you now know comes with Good characteristics and Bad characteristics. Lets take a look at 3 Great Entrepreneurs and then 3 Failed Entrepreneurs. Make sure your paying attention as we will discuss what we see! SUCCESSFUL VS FAILED First Entrepreneur Second Entrepreneur Third Entrepreneur
Were there any matching characters across groups? Group A Trait 1 Trait 2 Group B Group C Group D Lets DISCUSS! As a group take the next 5 minutes and come up with 1 positive trait you saw in common with the successful Entrepreneurs and 1 negative trait you saw in common with the failed Entrepreneurs. Were there any matching characters across groups?
Can you think of any other ways to be successful as an Entrepreneur? Marketing Customer Service Product/Service Driven Goal Oriented
REFLECTION ARTICLE Take 10 minutes and read the Article on the class blog. Be prepared to give your opinion on how it relates to being an Entrepreneur.