City of Solna - Presentation Arion Chryssafis, City Commissioner Eurocities Social Affairs Forum 8 March 2018
Foreign born adult residents, %
The Solna Model - The systematic efforts to assist Solna residents from income support to support themselves through work, self-employment or studies Gymnasie- slussen Gymnasie- slussen Gymnasie- slussen Social Services Office Information & admittance Mapping & individual action plan Support to participants: Career Guidance Coaching Matching Work Internship Education: - Secondary education - Vocational training - Apprentice - Swedish for Immigrants - Civics orientation Work Anhörig/Vän Anhörig/Vän Anhörig/Vän Anhörig/Vän Child, Youth and Education Office Anhörig/Vän Anhörig/Vän Entrepreneur Team 127, Fältassistent Team 127, Fältassistent Team 127, Fältassistent Team 127, Fältassistent Public Employment Services Team 127, Fältassistent Support : - Collaboration Procurement Quality processes Administration Further studies Marknads- förare/flyers Marknads- förare/flyers Marknads- förare/flyers Marknads- förare/flyers Employment and Skills Office Marknads- förare/flyers The systematic efforts to get Solna citizens going from income support to support themselves through work or adult education. The model is based on an individualized approach, good intelligence and good relationships with employers, partners and training providers. The Employment services unit offer their services to participants who have been referred by The Social Services Department or the National Agency for Employment Services (AF). Citizens who want to study apply directly to the Adult Education unit and are accepted according to the city's admissions rules. Since 2008, all adult education is outsourced. To day Solna has 23 suppliers of adult education. To provide an accessible, flexible and a wide range of qualitative education Solna cooperates with other municipalities in Stockholm County. Today we are half way towards becoming one region for adult education in the Stockholm county. The staff's business development services acts as a door opener for new partnerships between The Solna Model and private employers. Other activities Sociala medier Sociala medier Sociala medier Sociala medier Other municipalities
Share of households receiving financial support, ranking in SE
Refugees & close relatives in employment, 20 – 64 year old %