IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN TG May 2018 F2F Meeting Pittsburgh, PA 2018-05-20 Max Riegel, Nokia Bell Labs (TG Chair)
May 2018 F2F Meeting Venue: OmniRAN TG sessions: Omni William Penn Hotel 530 William Penn Place Pittsburgh, PA 15219 OmniRAN TG sessions: Mon, May 21st, 09:00-17:30 Meeting room: Greene/Franklin, 17th floor Tue, May 22nd, 10:00-17:30 Wed, May 23rd, 09:00-15:30 No OmniRAN sessions on Thu, May 24th and Fri, May 25th
P802.1CQ WebEX session details September 2012 doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/0996r3 P802.1CQ WebEX session details Monday, May 21st, 09:00-12:30am ET Join WebEx meeting Meeting number: 959 656 815 Meeting password: OmniRAN Join by phone +19724459814 US Dallas +442036087616 UK London +861084056120, +861058965333 China Beijing Access code: 959 656 815 Global call-in numbers Stephen McCann, RIM
Agenda proposal for May 2018 F2F Review of minutes Reports P802.1CQ contributions (Mo, 09:00 – 12:30) Nendica related contributions review Result of P802.1CF WG ballot Comment resolution on P802.1CF-D2.0 Plan for 802.1CF-D2.1 draft Conference calls until July 2018 F2F Status report to IEEE 802 WGs Next meeting AOB
May 2018 Agenda Graphics Mon 5/21 Tue 5/22 Wed 5/23 Thu 5/24 Fri 5/25 08:00 802.1 Maintenance 09:00 10:00 10:30 Opening 802.1CQ 802.1CF 11:00 12:30 14:00 15:30 Closing 16:00 17:30 Other 18:30 Social event
Participants have a duty to inform the IEEE Participants shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed) of the identity of each holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents Participants should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed) of the identity of any other holders of potential Essential Patent Claims Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is encouraged
Ways to inform IEEE Cause an LOA to be submitted to the IEEE-SA (; or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible; or Speak up now and respond to this Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance, please respond at this time by providing relevant information to the WG Chair.
Other guidelines for IEEE WG meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs of different technical approaches that include relative costs of patent licensing terms may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain the primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. For more details, see IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and Antitrust and Competition Policy: What You Need to Know at
Patent-related information The patent policy and the procedures used to execute that policy are documented in the: IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Material about the patent policy is available at If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at
Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings Dorothy Stanley, HP Enterprise November 2016 doc.: ec-16-0149-00-00EC Participation in IEEE 802 Meetings All participation in IEEE 802 Working Group meetings is on an individual basis Participants in the IEEE standards development individual process shall act based on their qualifications and experience. ( section 5.2.1) IEEE 802 Working Group membership is by individual; “Working Group members shall participate in the consensus process in a manner consistent with their professional expert opinion as individuals, and not as organizational representatives”. ( section 4.2.1) You have an obligation to act and vote as an individual and not under the direction of any other individual or group. Your obligation to act and vote as an individual applies in all cases, regardless of any external commitments, agreements, contracts, or orders. You shall not direct the actions or votes of any other member of an IEEE 802 Working Group or retaliate against any other member for their actions or votes within IEEE 802 Working Group meetings, see section and section 3.4.1, list item x By participating in IEEE 802 meetings, you accept these requirements. If you do not agree to these policies then you shall not participate.
Business #1 Call Meeting to Order Minutes taker: Mandatory slides Chair called meeting to order at 09:00 Minutes taker: Hao volunteered to take notes. Mandatory slides Mandatory slides were presented, no announcements came up. Roll Call Name Affiliation Max Riegel Nokia Nader Zein NEC Hao Wang Fujitsu Paul Nikolich self Antonio de la Oliva UC3M/Interdigital-re Kenichi Maruhashi Tomek Mrugalski ISC-remote Bernie Volz Cisco-remote Walter Pienciak remote Roger Marks EthAirNet/Huawei Yonggang Fang ZTE TX
Agenda proposal for May 2018 F2F Review of minutes Reports P802.1CQ contributions (Mo, 09:00 – 12:30) Nendica related contributions review Result of P802.1CF WG ballot Comment resolution on P802.1CF-D2.0 Plan for 802.1CF-D2.1 draft Conference calls until July 2018 F2F Status report to IEEE 802 WGs Next meeting AOB
Schedules Mon, 09:00 – 12:30 Mon, 14:00 – 17:30 Tue, 10:00 – 17:30 P802.1CQ contributions Mon, 14:00 – 17:30 Review of minutes Reports Nendica related contributions review Result of P802.1CF WG ballot Comment resolution on P802.1CF-D2.0 Tue, 10:00 – 17:30 Wed, 14:00 – 15:30 Plan for 802.1CF-D2.1 draft Conference calls until July 2018 F2F Status report to IEEE 802 WGs Next meeting AOB
Business #2 Agenda approval P802.1CQ contributions Agenda agreed, no further requests made. P802.1CQ contributions No comments raised. Link-Layer Addresses Assignment Mechanism for DHCPv6 Q&A led to a number of issues; application for hypervisors look fine, but there are open questions for IoT devices Antonio collected questions of Q&A in an additional slide and uploaded revision with short summary of issues after the session.
Business #3 Review of minutes Reports No comments on the minutes of the past meetings. Reports P802.1CQ transferred into OmniRAN. .1CQ documents will be also stored in OmniRAN filespace on mentor. Nendica related contributions review Lively discussion about the potential benefits of coordination in unlicensed spectrum. Demand for further information on potential coordinator functions raised.
Business #4 Result of P802.1CF/D2.0 WG ballot WG ballot passed with 71% return rate and 95% approval rate. 105 comments to be resolved. Comment resolution on P802.1CF-D2.0 Processed as captured in revisions to the wg-ballot-disposition-table. Java database set up for official documentation aligned to the CID numbering scheme of Excel table. Results of resolution as progressed on Monday: Results of resolution as progressed on Tuesday:
Business #5 Comment resolution on P802.1CF-D2.0 CID89: Backhaul definition as finally agreed: The portion of the access network between node of attachments and the access router. CID73: resolution proposal: Rephrase text in lines 579-582 to: On the datapath indicated by R1 and R3, the NRM covers all Physical and Data Link layer functions providing an integrated model for backhaul connectivity combined with user-specific connectivity functions as facilitated through the IEEE 802.1 bridging technologies. Add footnote: In the telecommunication domain there is often differentiation between user plane functions and transport plane functions; The IEEE 802 access network reference model integrates both planes into a common model aligned to the layered networking capabilities of IEEE 802.1Q. Plan for 802.1CF-D2.1 draft ..
Business #6 Conference calls until July 2018 F2F .. Status report to IEEE 802 WGs Next meeting AOB Meeting adjourned by chair at ..