Electronic Commerce Act


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Presentation transcript:

Electronic Commerce Act

E-commerce E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the Internet. These business transactions occur either business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-business. The terms e-commerce and e-business are often used interchangeably.

E-Government e-Government is the use of information and communication technologies, particularly the Internet, as a tool to achieve a better government It enables better policy outcomes, higher quality services and greater engagement with citizens

Video exercise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uok6WSc4nk What does e-govt make use of? What are synonyms for e-government? Which are objectives of e-govt? What are benefits of e-govt?

Suggested answers Synonyms: online government, connected government Objectives: automation, informatisation, transformation Benefits: more efficiency, less spending, faster action, more results

Electronic Commerce Act The Electronic Commerce Act was adopted by the Croatian Parliament at its session on 15 October 2003. It has been harmonised with the Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and Council. It regulates the obligation of informing and providing commercial communications, e-documents, form and validity of e-contracts, responsibility of the provider of information society services, as well as inspection supervision and penal provisions.

General provisions This Act shall regulate the provision of information society services, the responsibility of the provider of information society services and rules concerning contracts concluded by electronic means. Translate the sentence above! Take into consideration the usage of legal ‘shall’

Opće odredbe Ovim se zakonom uređuje/regulira pružanje usluga informacijskog društva, odgovornost davatelja usluga informacijskog društva, te pravila u vezi sa sklapanjem ugovora u elektroničkom obliku.

The provisions of this Act shall not apply to data protection, the field of taxation, the activities of notaries, the representation of a client and defence of his interests before the courts, gambling activities which involve wagering a stake with monetary value in games of chance, including lotteries, casino games, betting transactions and slot machine games pursuant to the provisions of special laws regulating the respective areas. the activities of notaries – javnobilježnička aktivnost representation of a client – zastupanje klijenta wagering a stake with monetary value in games of chance – igre na sreću s novčanim ulozima pursuant to – u skladu s

Relevant terms Information - podatak Information society service – usluga informacijskog društva Electronic signature – elektronički potpis Service provider – pružatelj usluge Recipient of the service – korisnik usluge Electonic contracts – ugovori u elektroničkom obliku Commercial communication – komercijalno priopćenje Consumer - potrošač

Translate the following paragraph: Electronic signature means data in electronic form which are attached to or logically associated with other electronic data and which serve as a method of identification of the signatory and of the credibility of the signed electronic document as defined by a special law.

Elektronički potpis je skup podataka u elektroničkom obliku koji su pridruženi ili su logički povezani s drugim podacima u elektroničkom obliku, a služe za identifikaciju potpisnika I vjerodostojnosti potpisanoga elektroničkog dokumenta, kako je definirano posebnim zakonom.

Comprehension check Read the text and answer the following questions: What shall the Electronic Commerce Act regulate? What is Information Society Service? What is electronic signature? Who is a service provider? Who is a recipient of the service? Who is a consumer?

Complete the table with words from the text and their related forms: VERB NOUN ADJECTIVE   provision apply recipient regulated constitute

Collocations with adjectives Which collocations with the adjectives from the previous exercise can you think of? provisional ______________ applicable _______________ ___________ receivable regulated ________________ constitutional ____________

provisional accounts – privremena financijska izvješća, privremena računovodstvena dokumentacija accounts receivable – potraživanja od kupaca / accounts payable – naplata računa credit card receivables – potraživanja po kreditnim karticama amounts receivable – iznos potraživanja interest receivable – naplativa kamata

Match the verbs in the left column with the nouns in the right column: bear data receive contract provide meaning archive respective areas conclude act promote access exercise message allow services adopt profession regulate image

Translate the collocations: to bear meaning to receive a message to provide services to archive dana to conclude a contract to promote an image to exercise profession to allow access to adopt an act to regulate respective areas

Translate into English: Davatalj usluga informacijskog društva sa sjedištem u RH dužan je potupati I pružati usluge u skladu sa zakonima I drugim propisima RH.

The provider of information society services with a seat in the Republic of Croatia shall act and provide services in accordance with acts and regulations of the Republic of Croatia.

Thank you for your attention!