Jefferson’s Presidency Page 57 Objective: Identify how the United States expanded its borders during Thomas Jefferson’s presidency.
Simplifying the Presidency Walked to his own inauguration Reduced the power of the National Bank Wore work clothes when accepting visitors Favored free trade: reduced tariffs Reduced the size of the army Rolled back Hamilton’s economic program by eliminating all internal taxes
First president to take office in Washington D.C. Southern Dominance First president to take office in Washington D.C.
Federalists Lose Power Northern Federalists refused to campaign because they didn’t want to appeal to the common people Settlers in new states tended to vote Democratic-Republican because they were farmers
Marbury sues to get the papers Marbury v. Madison William Marbury receives his judgeship at the last minute of Adams’s Presidency President Jefferson’s Secretary of State refused to deliver Marbury’s paper giving him the job. Marbury sues to get the papers Chief Justice John Marshall declares the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional Marshall’s decision confirms the principle of judicial review – the ability of the Supreme Court to declare an act of Congress unconstitutional.
Monroe, not consulting Jefferson, buys it all for $15 million. Louisiana Purchase Napoleon Bonaparte of France convinces Spain to return Louisiana to France. Jefferson sends Monroe to France to try to buy New Orleans from France. Napoleon, needing money for a war, decides to sell all of Louisiana to the U.S. Monroe, not consulting Jefferson, buys it all for $15 million. Jefferson, abandons his strict interpretation of the Constitution and the Senate ratifies the treaty and doubles the size of the United States.
Jefferson wants to explore the new territory he just purchased. Lewis and Clark Jefferson wants to explore the new territory he just purchased. Jefferson appoints Meriwether Lewis, who chooses William Clark to assist, to lead the exploration. The group later hires a Native American woman, Sacajawea, as a guide and interpreter. The expeditions spends two years and four months exploring the territory and makes it to the Pacific Ocean. This is the first step in the United States laying claim to the land between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean.