Determining the Relative and Absolute Age of Map Units GEOL 3000 Geologic Maps Determining the Relative and Absolute Age of Map Units
Relative Age Dating - Superposition
Up isn’t always Younging
Up Indicators Graded Bedding Pillowed Lavas Amygdaloidal Zones in Lavas Cross-bedding Ripple Marks
Sedimentary Facies – Time Trangressive Units
Paleogeography of Middle Laurentia in the Paleozoic
Advanced Transgression Regression
Paleozoic Formations of the Upper Midwest
Principles of Faunal Succession and Faunal Assemblage Index Fossils - Widespread distribution - Restricted, known time of existence - Common to many environments
The Jordan Sandstone Unconformity Missing Fossils
Gaps in the Geological Record Unconformities Siccar Point, Scotland “The mind seemed to grow giddy looking so far into the abyss of time” John Playfair – Illustrations of Huttonian Theory (1809)
Creating Unconformities Nonconformity Angular Unconformity Grand Canyon Stratigraphy Disconformity
Unconformities or Pinch-outs?
Gaps in the Minnesota Timescale
Regional Correlation of Units Piecing the Rock Record Together
Relative Time for Intrusive Igneous Rocks Principle of Cross-cutting Relationships
Global Time Markers Volcanic Ash Eruptions
Global Time Markers Meteor Impacts K-T Boundary mudstone-impact layer coal K-T impact site
The First Major Extinction Event ?? The 1.875 Ga Sudbury Impact The First Major Extinction Event ??
Global Time Markers Magnetic Reversals
Global Time Markers Climate Change
Absolute Age Determinations Radiometric Dating
Radioactive Isotopes
Radioactive Decay
Radioactive Decay Half-life Zircon ZrSiO4 U substitutes for Zr, but Pb does not.
Rb-Sr Dating of a Granite 87Rb 87Sr; 86Sr is stable Rb – chemically substitutes for K Sr – chemically substitutes for Ca Isochron t=2 t=1 87Sr/86Sr Metamorphism at t=1 87Sr/86Sr°(m) t=0 87Sr/86Sr° 87Rb/86Sr Ca-plagioclase Granite whole rock K-feldspar Biotite (K-rich)