Let’s get acquainted With each other? Welcome !! Let’s get acquainted With each other?
Who I am? A person A father A grandfather A teacher
Who are You? What’s your name? What grade are in you this year? Who are your parents? What’s your telephone number and What’s your emergency phone number? What’s your e-mail address ?
What do you like to do? What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite fun thing to do? Who is your best friend? Why are they?
Class Rules Be on time. Stay in your seat. Bring materials. Show respect. Do all of the school rules/policies Please do what is ask of you.
Consequences to Rules 1st time - Your Name on the Board= Warning+1violation check 2nd time - A violation check added and ask to sit at the time out desk. 3rd time – Another violation check added and you work in the hall. If there is three checks on the board by one or more people then class receives a minus. If caught not working in the hall then you’ll be sent to Principal’s office.
Rewards for Doing the Rules! Eligible for Cougar Club Activities If award 6,7,8 “+” as a class then Free Day 9 “+” or more = Free Day with Treats except no gum or no soft drinks
Citizenship Grade 1,2,3 violations of class rules = S 4-5 violations of class rules = N 6 or more violations of rules = U
How To Begin Each day Be in Your seat before Bell rings Have planner filled out Have pen or pencil sharpen, ready to go Write today’s assignment in planner Pick up Yesterday’s work Wait Quietly for Instructions while President takes roll.
My Philosophy School was never intended to be easy. It was intended to prepare our children for living, and it’s a tough life. I don’t think we do them any favors by expecting less of them. David Gardner You have freedom to chose your behavior but not the consequences of your behavior. Let’s have fun this year!!