AEIS 2010-11 [Our School District]
Accountability Standards 2011 Academically Acceptable Recognized Exemplary 65 80 90 Math 70 80 90 Reading 60 80 90 Science Social Studies 70 80 90 Writing 70 80 90
Other Indicators Evaluated Completion Rate Grades 9-12 Dropout Rate Grades 7-8 Standard = 75% Standard = 1.6%
Possible Ratings Exemplary Recognized Academically Acceptable Academically Unacceptable
Accessing the AEIS Report 1 [Insert District Website Link] Campus Libraries or Offices 2 3
2011 AEIS Report Overview Section I – District/Campus Performance TAKS Performance/Participation Disaggregated by grade level and student group Attendance & Annual Dropout Rate Completion Rate College Readiness Indicators Advanced Courses/Dual Enrollment, RHSP and DAP Graduates, AP/IB Results, Higher Education Readiness Component (HERC), SAT/ACT Results, College-Ready Graduates (Class of 2010)
2011 AEIS Report Overview Section II – District/Campus Profile Student Information Demographics, Retention Rates, Class Size Staff Information Demographics, Experience, Salary Information Budget Revenues and Expenditures Programs Student Enrollment, Teachers by Program
2011 AEIS Report Overview Section III – LEP Performance, District Only TAKS % Met Standard by BE/ESL Indicator Student Success Initiative Progress of Prior Year TAKS Failers
2011 TAKS Performance Reading/English Language Arts – 70%/80%/90% To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Reading/ELA Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 TAKS Performance Writing – 70%/80%/90% To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Writing Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 TAKS Performance Mathematics – 65%/80%/90% To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Math Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 TAKS Performance Science – 60%/80%/90% To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Science Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 TAKS Performance Social Studies – 70%/80%/90% To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Social Studies Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns for each grade level. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 Attendance 2009-2010 School Year To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Attendance for each group into the columns for each campus. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-8) 2009-2010 School Year To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Annual Dropout Rate for Grades 7-8 for each group into columns. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 Annual Dropout Rate (Grades 7-12) 2009-2010 School Year, AEA Indicator To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Annual Dropout Rate for Grades 7-12 for each group into columns. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 Completion Rate I Class of 2010 To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Completion Rate I for each group into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 11th Graders Meeting HERC vs. Passing TAKS English Language Arts To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 HERC Reading/ELA Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns. Enter your 2010 TAKS ELA Percent Met Standard for 11th graders in the second column. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 11th Graders Meeting HERC vs. Passing TAKS Mathematics To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 HERC Math Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns. Enter your 2010 TAKS Math Percent Met Standard for 11th graders in the second column. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 College Ready Graduates English Language Arts To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 College Ready Reading/ELA Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 College Ready Graduates Mathematics To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 College Ready Math Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 College Ready Graduates Both Subjects To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 College Ready Both Subjects Percent Met Standard for each group into the student group columns. The chart will adjust automatically.
Violent and Criminal Incidents Texas statute (TEC 39.053) requires every district to publish an annual report on violent and criminal incidents at campuses in the district The report must include: Number, rate and type of incidents Information concerning school violence prevention and intervention policies and procedures used by the district Findings that result from Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
2011 Violent and Criminal Incidents To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2010 Violent and Criminal Incidents for each type into the columns. The chart will adjust automatically.
2011 Accountability Ratings District Name – Accountability Rating Campus 1 Name – Accountability Rating Campus 2 Name – Accountability Rating Campus 3 Name – Accountability Rating Campus 4 Name – Accountability Rating