Sedimentary rocks... Choose the correct answer Were formed when magma forced its way into the earth’s crust Were formed when material was deposited by rivers onto the sea bed Were formed when rocks were changed by high temperature and /or pressure
Sorry - that is wrong Metamorphic rocks were formed when rocks were changed by very high temperatures or pressure This rock was changed when it was crushed and folded under great pressure
Sorry - that is wrong Igneous rocks were formed when magma forced its way to the earth’s crust.
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Igneous rocks... Choose the correct answer Were formed when material was deposited by rivers onto the sea bed Were formed when magma forced its way into the earth’s crust Were formed when rocks were changed by high temperature and /or pressure
Sorry - that is wrong Metamorphic rocks were formed when rocks were changed by very high temperatures or pressure
Sorry - that is wrong Sedimentary rocks were formed when layers of material (sediment) was deposited on the sea bed
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Metamorphic rocks... Choose the correct answer Were formed when material was deposited by rivers onto the sea bed Were formed when magma forced its way into the earth’s crust Were formed when rocks were changed by high temperature and /or pressure
Sorry - that is wrong Igneous rocks were formed when magma forced its way to the earth’s crust.
Sorry - that is wrong Sedimentary rocks were formed when layers of material (sediment) was deposited on the sea bed
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Extrusive rocks... Choose the 4 correct answers Are igneous Are sedimentary rocks Were formed above the earth’s crust, at the surface Were formed within the earth’s crust Usually have large crystals Granite is an example of an extrusive rock Basalt is an example of an extrusive rock Usually have small crystals Are metamorphic rocks Click here to check your answers
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Extrusive rocks are igneous They were formed when molten magma forced its way into the earth’s crust The magma broke through the crust and onto the earth’s surface The magma cooled quickly above the earth’s surface
That’s right. Extrusive rocks were formed above the earth’s crust The molten magma was able to reach the surface of the earth. It cooled quickly at the surface.
Extrusive rocks usually have small crystals The molten magma cooled quickly at the surface, so large crystals did not have time to form. Crystals in extrusive rocks are small. Basalt is extrusive – it has small crystals Granite is intrusive – it has large crystals
Basalt is an example of an extrusive rock You know this because basalt has small crystals - this tells you that it cooled quickly above the earth’s surface so large crystals did not have time to form.
Extrusive rocks... Choose the 4 correct answers Are igneous Are sedimentary rocks Were formed above the earth’s crust, at the surface Were formed within the earth’s crust Usually have large crystals Granite is an example of an intrusive rock Basalt is an example of an intrusive rock Usually have small crystals Are metamorphic rocks Click for next question
Intrusive rocks... Choose the 4 correct answers Are igneous Are sedimentary rocks Were formed above the earth’s crust, at the surface Were formed within the earth’s crust Usually have large crystals Granite is an example of an intrusive rock Basalt is an example of an intrusive rock Usually have small crystals Are metamorphic rocks Click here to check your answers
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Intrusive rocks are igneous They were formed when molten magma forced its way into the earth’s crust However, the magma did not get as far as the earth’s surface The magma cooled slowly beneath the earth’s surface Intrusive rocks
Intrusive rocks were formed within the earth’s crust The molten magma was not able to reach the surface of the earth. It cooled slowly beneath the surface. Magma did not get to the surface
Intrusive rocks usually have large crystals The molten magma cooled slowly beneath the surface, so large crystals had time to form. Crystals in intrusive rocks are large.
Granite is an example of an intrusive rock You know this because granite has large crystals - this tells you that it cooled slowly beneath the earth’s surface so large crystals had time to form. Large crystals
Intrusive rocks... Choose the 4 correct answers Are igneous Are sedimentary rocks Were formed above the earth’s crust, at the surface Were formed within the earth’s crust Usually have large crystals Granite is an example of an intrusive rock Basalt is an example of an intrusive rock Usually have small crystals Are metamorphic rocks Click for next question
Limestone is... Choose the 3 correct answers A metamorphic rock Made mostly from bones Made from sodium carbonate A sedimentary rock Made from calcium bicarbonate Made mostly from sea shells Made from calcium carbonate An igneous rock Made mostly from mud
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Limestone is... Choose the 3 correct answers A metamorphic rock Made mostly from bones Made from sodium carbonate A sedimentary rock Made from calcium bicarbonate Made mostly from sea shells Made from calcium carbonate An igneous rock Made mostly from mud Click for next question
Limestone can be used.. Choose the 4 correct answers as a building material as a fertiliser to make glass To make plastic to make toothpaste to make cement to neutralise acidic soils to neutralise alkaline soils as a road surfacing material Finished? Click here to check your answers
Limestone can be used as a building material Yes, that’s right. Limestone makes a good building material in areas where it is plentiful. It can be quarried and cut into blocks These blocks can be used to build houses However - it is badly affected by acid rain (although this happens slowly)!!
Limestone can be used as a fertiliser SORRY THAT’S WRONG!!! Limestone does not have important plant nutrients in it (such as nitrogen or phosphates)
Limestone can be used to make plastic SORRY THAT’S WRONG!!! Oil, not limestone, is used to make plastics
Limestone can be used to make glass Yes, that’s right. Limestone is mixed with sand and soda (sodium carbonate) They are then heated The mixture melts When it cools it is transparent LIMESTONE + SAND + SODA heat GLASS
Limestone can be used to make toothpaste SORRY THAT’S WRONG!!! Kaolin, not limestone, is used to make toothpaste
Limestone can be used to make cement Yes, that’s right. Powdered limestone is mixed with powdered clay. They are then heated to make dry cement The cement is mixed with sand, gravel and water. When it dries it makes a hard stone like building material called concrete POWDERED LIMESTONE + POWDERED CLAY HEAT DRY CEMENT DRY CEMENT + SAND + GRAVEL + WATER CONCRETE
Limestone can be used to neutralise acidic soils Yes, that’s right. Powdered limestone can be put onto acidic soils but it is very slow to work . So it can be heated to make quicklime. Quicklime can be mixed with water to make slaked lime. Slaked lime is a hydroxide (a strong alkali) so it works much faster. LIMESTONE HEAT QUICKLIME CALCIUM CARBONATE CALCIUM OXIDE + CARBON DIOXIDE QUICKLIME + WATER SLAKED LIME CALCIUM OXIDE CALCIUM HYDROXIDE
Limestone can be used to neutralise alkaline soils SORRY THAT’S WRONG!!! Limestone is alkaline, so it would make them MORE alkaline
Limestone can be used as a road surfacing material SORRY THAT’S WRONG!!! Basalt or dolerite, not limestone, are used for road surfacing
Limestone can be used.. The 4 correct answers are:- as a building material as a fertiliser to make glass To make plastic to make toothpaste to make cement to neutralise acidic soils to neutralise alkaline soils as a road surfacing material Click for next question
Limestone .. Choose the 4 correct answers Is an igneous rock Contains bedding planes and joints Contains large crystals Contains fossils Is a sedimentary rock Is a metamorphic rock Can often be dated easily Finished? Click here to check your answers
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Limestone is a sedimentary rock Yes, that’s right. Limestone was formed from millions of shelled sea creatures. When they died they fell to the sea bed to form thick layers of shell. As the layers became thicker and thicker the bottom layers became crushed and cemented to form solid rock
Limestone contains bedding planes and joints Yes, that’s right. Because limestone was formed in layers, these layers can still be seen as bedding planes. joints Bedding planes
Limestone contains fossils Yes, that’s right. Limestone was formed from millions of shelled sea creatures and the shells can sometimes still be seen in the rock.
Limestone can be dated easily Yes, that’s right. Limestone contains fossils. The fossils can tell us how old the limestone is. For example, some layers of limestone contain crinoids. We know crinoids were alive between 360 – 320 million years ago.
Limestone .. The 4 correct answers are: Is an igneous rock Contains bedding planes and joints Contains large crystals Contains fossils Is a sedimentary rock Is a metamorphic rock Can often be dated easily Click for next question
Which of the following are sedimentary rocks... sandstone basalt granite limestone slate marble Finished? Click here to check your answers
Sorry - that is wrong It’s metamorphic (changed by heat or pressure) Try again
Sorry - that is wrong It’s igneous (formed from molten magma) Try again
Well done Sedimentary rocks are formed in layers as material is deposited on the seabed.
Which of the following are sedimentary rocks... sandstone basalt granite limestone slate marble Click for next question
Which of the following are igneous rocks... sandstone basalt granite limestone slate marble Finished? Click here to check your answers
Sorry - that is wrong It’s sedimentary (formed from layers of material on the sea bed) Try again
Sorry - that is wrong It’s metamorphic (changed by heat or pressure) Try again
Igneous rocks are formed when molten magma cools and solidifies Well done Igneous rocks are formed when molten magma cools and solidifies
Which of the following are igneous rocks... sandstone basalt granite limestone slate marble Click for next question
Which of the following are metamorphic rocks... sandstone basalt granite limestone slate marble Finished? Click here to check answer
Sorry - that is wrong It’s sedimentary (formed from layers of material on the sea bed) Try again
Sorry - that is wrong It’s igneous formed from molten rock cooling and solidifying Try again
Well done Metamorphic rocks are formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks are changed by heat and / or pressure
Which of the following are metamorphic rocks... sandstone basalt granite limestone slate marble Click for next question
basalt .... Choose the 5 right answers was formed above the earth’s crust was formed within the earth’s crust has large crystals has small crystals is a sedimentary rock is an igneous rock cooled slowly cooled quickly is hard is soft Finished? Click here to check your answer
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Basalt is a very hard rock - it is used as a road stone! Well done Basalt is a very hard rock - it is used as a road stone!
Well done Basalt cooled quickly on the surface. There was not enough time for large crystals to form.
Basalt is an igneous rock - it was formed from molten magma Well done Basalt is an igneous rock - it was formed from molten magma
When the magma flowed onto the earth’s surface it cooled very quickly Well done When the magma flowed onto the earth’s surface it cooled very quickly
basalt .... Choose the 5 right answers was formed above the earth’s crust was formed within the earth’s crust has large crystals has small crystals is a sedimentary rock is an igneous rock cooled slowly cooled quickly is hard is soft Click for next question
slate .... Choose the 5 right answers was formed when limestone was crushed at high temperatures often has bands in it has tiny crystals has large crystals is an igneous rock is a metamorphic rock Was formed when mudstone was crushed at high temperatures is hard is soft Finished? Click here to check your answer
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Very tiny crystals often formed when the slate cooled down Well done Very tiny crystals often formed when the slate cooled down
Well done Slate has very clear bands in it. The rock splits easily along these bands into thin sheets of slate so this makes it a good roofing material.
Well done When mudstone - a sedimentary rock - was crushed during massive earth movements, the extreme pressure and temperature changed it into slate.
Well done Slate is a hard rock - this makes it good as a roofing material. In N. Wales, where a lot of slate is found, it is sometimes used to build walls.
Slate was formed under extreme pressure and temperature - metamorphic! Well done Slate was formed under extreme pressure and temperature - metamorphic!
slate .... Choose the 5 right answers was formed when limestone was crushed at high temperatures often has bands in it has tiny crystals has large crystals is an igneous rock is a metamorphic rock Was formed when mudstone was crushed at high temperatures is hard is soft Click for next question
marble .... Choose the 4 right answers Crystals tend to form in bands was formed when limestone was crushed at high temperatures has tiny crystals has large crystals is an igneous rock is a metamorphic rock Was formed when mudstone was crushed at high temperatures is hard is soft Finished? Click here to check your answers
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Well done Marble was formed under extreme pressure and temperature - metamorphic!
Well done Marble was formed when limestone was changed under extreme pressure and temperature- during massive earth movements.
The crystals in marble are usually found in bands Well done The crystals in marble are usually found in bands
Well done Marble is a very hard rock so it is often used in buildings. Because it is so attractive when polished it is often used in large expensive buildings - churches, palaces etc.
marble .... Choose the 4 right answers Crystals tend to form in bands was formed when limestone was crushed at high temperatures has tiny crystals has large crystals is an igneous rock is a metamorphic rock Was formed when mudstone was crushed at high temperatures is hard is soft Click for next question
granite .... Choose the 5 right answers was formed above the earth’s crust was formed within the earth’s crust has large crystals has small crystals is a sedimentary rock is an igneous rock cooled slowly cooled quickly is hard is soft Finished. Click here to check your answer
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Well done Granite was formed when molten magma forced itself into the earth’s crust - igneous!
Well done Granite is a very hard rock. It is sometimes used as a building material. When polished it is very attractive.
Well done Granite was formed when magma forced its way into the earth’s crust but DID NOT reach the surface. It is an INTRUSIVE igneous rock
Well done Because granite cooled slowly below ground it allowed large crystals to form.
Well done Because the magma did not reach the surface it cooled SLOWLY underground Magma does not reach the surface – cools slowly
granite .... Choose the 5 right answers was formed above the earth’s crust was formed within the earth’s crust has large crystals has small crystals is a sedimentary rock is an igneous rock cooled slowly cooled quickly is hard is soft