Question 1 Personalised Learning Checklist 1a)I am able to identify key words in the question 1b)I able to identify WHO I am writing FOR 1c)I am able to identify WHO I am writing AS 1d)I am able to identify the TYPE of writing I need to do 1e)I know the features of an interview 1f) I know the features of a newspaper article 1g) I know the features of a letter 1h) I know the features of a formal talk 1i) I can read a passage and understand what I have read 1j) I can read a passage and highlight information relevant to each of the bullet points 1k)I can read between the lines of a text (especially for bullet point 3) 1l)I can pick up relevant details from the text and use them in my writing 1m)I can DEVELOP some ideas that are in the passage
1n)I can skim and scan the text to find the parts that I need 1o)I can imagine what the people in the passage are thinking and feeling 1p) I can write in an appropriate tone 1q) I can write in paragraphs 1r) I am able to ORDER my writing according to the bullet points 1s) I am able to take the ideas from the text and put them in my OWN WORDS 1t) I can use a range of vocabulary to express what my character thinks and feels 1u) I am able to create a VOICE so my character sounds real 1v) I am able to use ideas and facts from the passage 1w)Everything I say can find its roots in the passage
Topic Sentence Paraphrase Question 1: TPA Paragraphs Read the question carefully and find out who you are writing as, and what type of writing you are doing. Label bullet points a,b,c. Read the article carefully looking for details. You should write 3 TPC paragraphs- 1 for each bullet point If you’re writing an interview, this is as simple as using the first bullet point/question they give you as the interviewer’s first question. If you are not writing an interview, you should use the words of the bullet point to write an opening sentence to your paragraph. Writing in your own words include 5-7 details from the paragraph which are clearly linked to the bullet point. Make sure you write in character. This should be the longest section of your paragraph. Look at the details your paraphrase. Write a final comment in character, explaining how your character thinks and feels about what they have just described. Topic Sentence Paraphrase Comment and develop
1u) I am able to create a VOICE so my character sounds real Title: IGCSE Exam: Question 1 Date: 16 November 2018 Objective: Can I explore how to plan an answer to question 1? Success Criteria Grade/level Key Words 1i) I can read a passage and understand what I have read All Summarise Keywords Paraphrase 1m)I can DEVELOP some ideas that are in the passage Most 1u) I am able to create a VOICE so my character sounds real Some Numeracy Calculating points. Literacy Developing exam skills SMSC & Values Self assessment and developing exam confidence.
Title: IGCSE Exam: Question 1 Date: 16 November 2018 Objective: Can I explore how to plan an answer to question 1? Starter- How do you answer question 1? Create a set of step by step instructions. Can you remember what TPC stands for?
3g. I am able to group similar ideas together in my writing Title: IGCSE Exam: Question 1 Date: 16 November 2018 Objective: Can I explore how to plan an answer to question 1? Next Step: Read passage a carefully and make sure you understand it thoroughly. As you read, complete your Vocabulary Builder. Can you use the new words in your own sentence? Success Criteria Grade/level Key Words 3c. I am able to highlight the main points in the passage All Summarise Keywords Paraphrase 3d. I am able to put those points IN MY OWN WORDS and in full sentences in my plan Most 3g. I am able to group similar ideas together in my writing Some New Word Can you guess its meaning? Now look it up in a dictionary and record its definition. Can you use the word accurately in a sentence? Use the dictionary to help you. Numeracy Calculating points. Literacy Developing summary skills SMSC & Values Self assessment and developing exam confidence.
Vocabulary Builder Vocabulary Bank One of the keys to success in this exam is developing your vocabulary. Whenever you read an article, use your vocabulary bank to record new words and try to work out their definitions. New Word Can you guess its meaning? Now look it up in a dictionary and record its definition. Can you use the word accurately in a sentence? Use the dictionary to help you.
How well have you just read that passage? Do you DEEPLY understand it? Next Step: Read passage a carefully and make sure you understand it thoroughly. As you read, complete your Vocabulary Builder. Can you use the new words in your own sentence? How well have you just read that passage? Do you DEEPLY understand it? Can you come up with a comprehension question to ask the class to check their understanding? What educated guesses did you take on words you don’t understand?
Things that can go wrong with Q1 Feedback: How do you answer question 1? Stretch question: What mistakes do students make? Don’t answer all 3 bullets equally Don’t include detail Don’t include comment and development Misread the passage Don’t plan carefully enough Write like it is creative writing - it isn’t! Write as the wrong person
Step 1 – Understanding the question Ask yourself: Who are you writing as? What type of writing? What have you got to include?
How do I pick up marks? In your OWN words! A - Normally the most obvious – the easiest B - Less obvious – needs inference and deduction C - All inference and deduction – the hardest PLUS marks if you also include; Details - facts/figures/specific details or place names, clear understanding of passage Comment and Development - consequences/feelings In your OWN words!
How do examiners mark? A B C 1 4 2 1 “One of the bullets may not be addressed” A B C Comment and Develop Details 1 4 2 1 “Some brief, straightforward reference” “General understanding of the passage” “Thin and lacks focus on passage” 4-6 marks out of 15
How do examiners mark? A B C So how many pieces of information and details are you looking for for each bullet point? A B C Comment and Develop “Some ideas are developed” Details 5 5 4 11 3 “There is frequent, helpful, supporting detail” “Competent reading of the passage” “A good range of ideas is evident” “All 3 bullet points are covered” 10-12 marks out of 15
Step 2 - Read and colour code or label A - The problems you experienced on your journey. B - How your feelings changed throughout your journey. C - What you have learned about yourself. PLUS marks if you also include; Facts/figures/specific details e.g. place names Development of your ideas In your OWN words!
Teacher Note Card Sort activity could be used here
Step 2 - Read and colour code or label Mrs Donovan A B C Remember, GREEN is easier than ORANGE and RED
Tracking the DETAILS Dates/times Names of people Place names Specific things in the passage that show you have understood EXACTLY what is being said. How many little details did you find that you could include in your answer?
Can you come up with any comments or developments for bullet point a? Cause and consequence Things observed Emotional response Predictions * Need development for marks 7 and above.
Step 3 - Check the question again Now that you have a deep understanding of the text, check again: Who are you writing as? What type of writing? What have you got to include?
REMINDER! A The problems you experienced on your journey. B How your feelings changed throughout your journey. C What you have learned about yourself.
Now to write our TPC for A This train journey is not what I had expected and an already stressful morning has just got worse. First I had the mad rush to the station to catch the train, struggling to dash in my high heels which just added to the stress. I got on the train and the WIFI was not working which is VERY frustrating when I have emails to send for the next 3 hours. I am also totally uncomfortable as the air conditioning has broken and people are removing clothing like they are on a beach. It is totally inappropriate and making me feel slightly disgusted as too much flesh is exposed.
Marking the response A Ask yourself: This train journey is not what I had expected and an already stressful morning has just got worse. First I had the mad rush to the station to catch the train, struggling to dash in my high heels which just added to the stress. I got on the train and the WIFI was not working which is VERY frustrating when I have emails to send for the next 3 hours. I am also totally uncomfortable as the air conditioning has broken and people are removing clothing like they are on a beach. It is totally inappropriate and making me feel slightly disgusted as too much flesh is exposed. This train journey is not what I had expected and an already stressful morning has just got worse. First I had the mad rush to the station to catch the train, struggling to dash in my high heels which just added to the stress. I got on the train and the WIFI was not working which is VERY frustrating when I have emails to send for the next 3 hours. I am also totally uncomfortable as the air conditioning has broken and people are removing clothing like they are on a beach. It is totally inappropriate and making me feel slightly disgusted as too much flesh is exposed. Ask yourself: Where is the topic sentence? Where are the paraphrases? Which details have been included? How have I commented and developed?
Time to show what you can do! 10 minutes to write up your A ideas into a paragraph. (A + detail + development)
What you should have included… Mark your own!
Time to show what you can do! 15 minutes to write up your B and C ideas into 2 paragraphs.
What you should have included for B…
What you should have included for C…
How to get 10 or more marks out of 15 Read the passage and underline DETAILS - understand it! Read the question - highlight key words Then go back through and highlight each bullet a different colour in the passage. Ensure you have above 5 A/B/C details and ideas. COUNT them! ADD detail and development notes from passage Write it up in a convincing voice!
Peer Assessment RAG Read through your partner’s whole answer. RAG the skills below carefully by asking yourself each question and be ready to explain your decision to your teacher.
Peer Assessment: Feedback Sheet PLC Skill Ask yourself… Answer the question…. RAG (1d) I am able to identify the TYPE of writing I need to do How well have they made their writing look and sound like an interview? 1k) I can read between the lines of a text (especially for bullet point 3) How effectively have they read between the lines and developed the ideas in their paraphrase? 1M I can DEVELOP some ideas that are in the passage What examples can you find of your partner developing the ideas in their paraphrase? 1o)I can imagine what the people in the passage are thinking and feeling What kinds of thoughts and feelings have they described? Written accuracy mark /5 2 things you have done well are _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Next time you should _______________________________ .
Comment and develop Peer Assessment Read through your partner’s whole COMMENT. RAG the skills below carefully by asking yourself each question and be ready to explain your decision to your teacher. (1d) I am able to identify the TYPE of writing I need to do How well have they made their writing look and sound like an interview? 1k) I can read between the lines of a text (especially for bullet point 3) How effectively have they read between the lines and developed the ideas in their paraphrase? 1M I can DEVELOP some ideas that are in the passage What examples can you find of your partner developing the ideas in their paraphrase? 1o)I can imagine what the people in the passage are thinking and feeling What kinds of thoughts and feelings have they described?
Written Accuracy Check Remember that on question 1 there are 5 marks for the quality of your writing. How close are you to achieving all 5? What alterations could you make to get your score higher? And finally… Now give your partner a mark out of 5 for written accuracy. Then add up their score out of 20. Can I score 5/5 for writing? All my punctuation is correct. E.g. capital letters, full stops and no comma splicing. I’ve spelt words accurately where I can and avoided little errors E.g. their/there he’s/his. My vocabulary is varied and I’ve used my own words throughout my question 1 answer I’ve shown off my punctuation I’ve used a variety of different sentence types. E.g. Complex sentences and fronted sentences.
Plenary How much more have you learnt? Starter- How do you answer question 1? Create a set of step by step instructions. Can you remember what TPC stands for?