What are the interactions sound waves undergo?
*reflection: the bouncing of sound off of a surface
*absorption: the disappearance of a sound wave into a surface
*The harder the surface, the more sound is reflected.
*The softer the surface, the more sound is absorbed.
echo: a reflected sound wave
Echo = Communication
sonar and echolocation are both the finding of an object using reflected sound
*echolocation= dolphins, bats So…What’s the difference between sonar and echolocation? *sonar = ships, submarines Warships using sonar to find submarines. It’s thought the war ships sonar disrupts dolphins ultrasound system. *echolocation= dolphins, bats
Resonance A phenomenon that occurs when two objects naturally vibrate at the same frequency. The sound produced by one object causes the other object to vibrate. Musical instruments use resonance to generate sounds. An acoustic guitar has a hollow body that amplifies the sounds.
Interference Constructive interference-when a compression from one wave overlaps the compression of another wave. Destructive interference-the compression of one wave overlaps the rarefaction of another wave.
Sound Waves Videos: Echoes “The Boy Who Could See Like a Bat” (3:53) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9mvRRwu5Gw Real Life Bat Man (2:54) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpxEmD0gu0Q “Quack Science” video on discovery education (21 min) https://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=quack+science