SANDIA NATIONAL LABORATORIES Distributed Energy Technologies Laboratory (DETL) APEC-ISGAN Workshop Smart Grid International Research Facility Network (SIRFN) January 24-25, 2012 Washington, DC Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. SAND2009-2801P
Country/Economy Smart Grid Needs (Testbed Perspective) Easily reconfigurable infrastructure for a variety of experiments Protocols in place to apply international standards Ability to assess components (hardware-in-the-loop) and integrated systems Ability to work at large scale, to simulate “real-world” grid-level effects High level of rigor in data collection, calibration, and accuracy Multiple layers of infrastructure: power systems, data/information processing, communications
A Reconfigurable Smart-Grid Testbed DETL: A Reconfigurable Smart-Grid Testbed Optimization of new DG/DER components and systems R&D and product development Pre-commercial testing and characterization Protocol and standards development Demonstration Scenarios Grid-connected and off-grid Controllable loads simulate residential, commercial Multiple sources Energy storage Home/building/network EMS
Energy Storage Test Pad DETL Features Lab Facilities Energy Storage Test Pad Offices 150 kW PV 1MW-hr storage capability 250 kW inverter capacity 3-Ø, 1-Ø µ-grids Communications infrastructure (ethernet, wireless, PLC) 10-node residential µ-inverter testbed 200kW diesel genset Linkages to smart-grid field demos: - Mesa del Sol PNM Prosperity project NMSU campus microgrid Others
3-Phase 480Vac Node/Microgrid Micro turbine
1-Phase 120Vac Node/Microgrid
Labview-based SCADA/EMS Platform
Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) GPS clock PMU 1 Phasor Data Concentrator PMU 2
External PMU Network 18 MW PV Plant in southern CO DETLPMU 500 kW PV/Battery Site in Central NM Sandia PDC 500 kW PV Plant in Northern NM Microgrid Site at NMSU (planned) Future PMU
Test Capabilities Arc Fault Detection and Mitigation Intentional Islanding, voltage control Emerging Communication Protocols
Solar Reconfigurable Open Architecture Design (ROAD) Replicate high PV penetration at residential scale Full flexibility at each node PV system Energy storage Programmable loads Smart Meter Utility/Home EMS Service transformer Single-phase Lateral, 12.47 kV
Large Inverter Testbed 12.47 kV Xfrmr 500 kVa 3-phase 480 V 250 kW 3-Phase Inverter Testbed Existing DETL 3-Phase Node/Microgrid Series Reactor Program. AC Source PV Array Simulator AC Fully programmable AC and DC sources Ability to test larger PV inverters Ability to create 3-phase 480V microgrid setup with “feeder” impedance PV Inverter Under Test DC
Large-Scale Energy Storage Testbed DETL Tie PV/WIND SIMULATOR 1 MW (FUTURE)
Value of an International Collaboration DETL works with many industry partners interested in global markets Advances in power electronics are taking place across the globe – access to latest in new developments Greater knowledge/understanding of standards and protocols from other parts of world can facilitate in-country development Development and operations of test facilities can benefit from knowledge of testbed innovations in other countries